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Donkey Thinks it's a Dog

Donkey Thinks it's a Dog

News For Kids

2022/03/03 | 00:05:34 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Dogs and donkeys are really different. They look different and they sound different. Dogs bark and… donkeys do donkey sounds. Okay… that might not be a good donkey sound, but there is a donkey in England that thinks it's a dog!

This young donkey acts just like a dog. It runs like a dog. It follows people around like a dog. It sleeps on the sofa like a dog. It catches a ball like a dog, too. And it even chases cars like a dog. But it's a donkey.

When the donkey was born, its mother didn't want it.

So a farmer named John Nuttall saved it. He took it away from its mother, and he fed it milk every two hours.

Also, he had to use baby diapers. He put diapers on the donkey. He didn't want donkey poo in his house! I wouldn't want that, either!

Later, the donkey got stronger. John let the donkey run around with his dogs on his farm. That's when it started acting just like a dog.

But it can't bark like a dog. Why not? Because it's a donkey, not a dog!

Hmm… do you think it eats dog food, too?


  1. Donkey 驢子。
    The little donkey doesn't act like a donkey. 小驢子的行動不像驢子。
    No, it acts like a dog. 不像,牠的行為像狗。

  2. Like 像。
    Some wolves look like dogs. 有的狼長得像狗狗。
    Indeed, some birds look like dinosaurs, too. 的確是,有的鳥還看起來像恐龍。

  3. Feed 餵。
    What food do you feed your pet rabbit? 你餵你的兔寶寶吃什麼食物?
    Hay and vegetables. 乾草和蔬菜。
    My rabbit loves carrots. 我的兔子很愛吃胡蘿蔔。

  4. Food 食物。
    So do you need to prepare the food every day? 所以你每天都得準備食物?
    Of course. I don't want my pet to go hungry. 當然啦,我不要我的寵物挨餓。

donkey 驢子
like 像
feed 餵
food 食物


  1. Why did John take the donkey away from its mother?
    A: Its mother died
    B: The mother didn't want it
    C: He liked the donkey so much

  2. How often did John have to give the donkey milk?
    A: Every hour
    B: Every two hours
    C: Every four hours

  3. Why did the donkey think it was a dog?
    A: It lived around dogs.
    B: John taught it to be a dog.
    C: It ate dog food.


  1. B
  2. B
  3. A