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Oldest Known Animal Cave Art Found in Indonesia

Oldest Known Animal Cave Art Found in Indonesia

News For Kids

2021/12/09 | 00:05:30 | SoundOn #education

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Done! I finally finished my drawing.

I think it's pretty good!

I drew a picture of a dog because I like dogs.

But I like drawing pictures of all kinds of other animals too…
我也喜歡畫別種動物, like cats, elephants, donkeys, or bears.

Did you know that humans have been drawing pictures of animals for a very long time? And by that I mean, a very long time.

When people first started drawing things, they drew a lot of animals. And humans from a very long time ago would often draw their pictures on cave walls.

Whenever experts find art on cave walls made by people, we call them "cave paintings".

And guess what? Experts have found what they think is the world's oldest known cave paintings made by humans. They found them in Indonesia.

And the picture they found is a picture of a wild pig.

These experts think this picture of a wild pig was drawn 45,500 years ago.

Wow! That is a very, very old painting.

I wonder if anyone will find the picture I drew of a dog 45,500 years from now. That would be pretty cool!


  1. Painting 油畫,圖畫。
    This painting was done a long time ago. 這幅畫是很久以前畫的。
    It still looks new. 看起來還很新。
    Yeah, I kept all my paintings in the basement. 是的,我把所有的畫都放在地下室。

  2. Draw 畫。
    Did you draw this one yourself? 你自己畫的這幅畫嗎?
    I wish. 我希望是我。
    A friend of mine drew it for my birthday. 是我一個朋友為了我的生日畫的。

  3. Wild 野生的。
    Cave painting is often about wild animals. 洞穴壁畫經常都是畫野生動物。
    I guess wild animals were the easiest to draw. 我猜野生動物是最容易畫的。

  4. Indonesia 印尼。
    Many workers here are from Indonesia. 這裡很多勞工來自印尼。
    My mom comes from Indonesia, too. 我媽媽也來自印尼。

So did you draw any picture today?
painting 油畫,圖畫
draw 畫
wild 野生的
Indonesia 印尼


  1. What is artwork found on cave walls called?
    a. Cave paintings
    b. Caveman language
    c. Cave doodles

  2. In what country did experts find a very old cave painting?
    a. Taiwan
    b. The U.S.
    c. Indonesia

  3. What was the cave painting a picture of?
    a. A dog
    b. An elephant
    c. A wild pig


  1. A
  2. C
  3. C