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The 'Nest Man of India'

The 'Nest Man of India'

News For Kids

2023/05/19 | 00:05:13 | SoundOn #education

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Have you ever been to Delhi? Delhi is in India. Lots and lots of people live in Delhi!

Many years ago, there were lots of sparrows in Delhi too. Rakesh Khatri gave food to sparrows. He was a kid then.
德里很久以前有很多麻雀,Rakesh Khatri 小時候常常餵麻雀。

Sparrows are little brown birds. They like to live in cities. But sparrows are leaving Delhi. They don't have many places to live. People are not making space for sparrows in the city.

Rakesh Khatri wants to help sparrows live in Delhi. He has been making nests for a long time. A nest is a bird's home. Sparrows live in nests. He puts the nests all over the city. People call him the 'Nest Man of India'.
Rakesh Khatri 想要幫助麻雀,他特別為麻雀做鳥巢,放在城市每一個角落,人們都叫他「印度鳥巢人」。

He makes nests from coconut shells, cotton, or other natural things. He recycles too. Sometimes he makes nests from old juice boxes.

Rakesh Khatri has made 250,000 nests! He made them with no help! Now he teaches students how to make nests too. He has been to 3,500 schools! Now 100,000 students can make nests!
他一個人做了 25 萬個鳥巢!他還拜訪過 3500 間學校,教學生怎麼做鳥巢,已經有十萬個學生學會了這個技巧。

Today is a day for helping animals. So thanks, Rakesh Khatri, the Nest Man of India!


  1. little 小的
    Look at those birds! 你看那些鳥!
    Yeah, aren't they beautiful? 可不是,很美吧?
    They're little egrets. 牠們是小白鷺。

  2. nest 鳥巢
    They come here in the spring, build a nest and breed. 他們春天來築巢繁殖。
    And then they fly away? 然後就飛走了?

  3. leave 離開
    Right, they often leave in the summer or autumn. 對,通常在夏天或是秋天就走了。
    Where do they go? 去了哪裡呢?
    I'm not sure. 我不確定。

  4. place 地方
    A place that's cooler than Taipei, I guess. 我想是去比台北涼快的地方。
    So you've watched them for a long time? 所以你觀察牠們很久了?
    Yeah, I come here once a month. 對,我每個月來一次。

little 小的
nest 鳥巢
leave 離開
place 地方


  1. What color are sparrows?
    A: Blue
    B: Brown
    C: Black

  2. What is the Nest Man of India's name?
    A: Rakesh Khatri
    B: Delhi
    C: Nest Man

  3. How many students can make nests now?
    A: 250,000
    B: 3,500
    C: 100,000


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C