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Woman Makes Art from Trash

Woman Makes Art from Trash

News For Kids

2021/10/14 | 00:05:35 | SoundOn #education

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Do you like art? Today, I'm going to tell you about a very interesting artist. She makes art from trash. You know what trash is, right? You could call it junk, or garbage. It's something you just throw away. 美國有一個很有趣的藝術家,她利用垃圾做藝術品。

Stephanie Hongo lives in America. She makes beautiful art with things people don't want anymore. She turns the trash into animals. She uses ping pong balls for eyes. She uses plastic forks to make feathers for owls. And she used the leg of a Barbie doll for the horn of a unicorn. Is a unicorn an animal? Well, maybe.

Stephanie started using trash to make art after she quit her job. She didn't have enough money to buy art supplies. So, she used junk. It sounds dirty to use garbage. But Stephanie only uses clean trash. She gets the trash from her family and friends. Sometimes, people on Facebook give her junk, too. 這位藝術家在離職之後沒錢買藝術作品的材料,於是想到利用垃圾。聽起來有點不衛生,不過她只用乾淨的,從親朋好友那裏收集來的垃圾。有時候臉書上的好友也會把不要的東西給她。

It's great that Stephanie uses trash to make art. She can help the environment. She can also make money by selling her art!



  1. Garbage 垃圾。
    Did you throw away your bag? 你把包包扔掉了嗎?
    Yeah, it's in the garbage can now. 扔掉了,它現在就在垃圾桶裡。
    Are you sure you don't want it? 你確定你不要它了?
    I'm sure. 我確定。

  2. Junk 垃圾。
    You're eating too much junk food, Nancy. 你吃太多垃圾食物了,南西。
    No, I'm not. Fried pork chop is not junk food. 我沒有,炸豬排不算垃圾食物。

  3. Use 使用。
    I don't know how to use this can opener. 我不知道怎麼用這個開罐器。
    Here, let me show you.我來做給你看。

  4. Artist 藝術家。
    My mom is an artist. 我媽媽是藝術家。
    Wow, so she paints pictures? 哇,所以她畫畫?
    No, she makes salad that looks like art. 不是,她做的沙拉看起來像藝術品。

garbage 垃圾
junk 垃圾
use 使用
artist 藝術家


Q1: Which is NOT another name for trash?
A: Stuff
B: Garbage
C: Junk
Q2: What does Stephanie make with trash?
A: Toys for pets
B: Art that looks like animals
C: Ping pong balls
Q3: Where does Stephanie get the trash?
A: From garbage cans
B: From her friends
C: From stores
1. A
2. B
3. B