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Lettuce Grown Right in Supermarket

Lettuce Grown Right in Supermarket

News For Kids

2022/11/18 | 00:05:05 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


I love fresh vegetables. Especially lettuce, it's so crunchy and green.

Fresh lettuce is best. We all want newly picked lettuce.

That means the lettuce farm should be close to the market. In fact, the freshest lettuce is the kind you pick with your own hands.

So what if the lettuce grew right inside the supermarket? That's what one supermarket in Egypt is doing.

They plant lettuce in a fridge and use a special light to make it grow.

When people go shopping, they can pick the lettuce themselves. "Ooo! So fresh!"

But won't growing vegetables in the store be dirty? Actually, the supermarket doesn't use any dirt to grow this lettuce. They plant it directly in the water. That's called "hydroponics".

The water is very healthy, and the plants like it. What's more, this way can save lots of water. Hydroponics uses 90% less water.

Next time you go to the store, you might be able to pick fresh lettuce by yourself.


  1. sandwich 三明治
    What would you like for lunch? 你中飯想吃什麼?
    I'm not hungry. I'll just have a salad. 我不餓,就吃個沙拉。
    Then I'll get a sandwich. 那我買個三明治。

  2. vegetable 蔬菜
    Let's buy our food here. 我們在這裡買食物吧。
    They use very fresh vegetables in their salad. 他們的沙拉用很新鮮的蔬菜。
    You're right. The veggies look so green and clean! 你說對了,這些菜看起來又綠又乾淨!

  3. grow 種植
    I think this store grows its lettuce in water. 我想這家店用水種生菜。
    What a good idea! 真是個好主意!

  4. dirt 泥土
    I still grow my tomatoes in dirt. 我仍然在泥土裡種番茄。
    It's okay. Your tomatoes taste wonderful! 那沒關係。你種的番茄很好吃。

sandwich 三明治
vegetable 蔬菜
grow 種植
dirt 泥土


  1. Where does this supermarket get their lettuce?
    A: It grows in a garden.
    B: It grows on a farm.
    C: It grows inside the supermarket.

  2. What is it called when plants grow with no soil, only water?
    A: Hydroponics
    B: Supersonic
    C: Electronic

  3. What is good about hydroponics?
    A: It can make light.
    B: It can save water.
    C: It's more dirty.


  1. C
  2. A
  3. B