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Monkeys Break Into Yunlin Homes

Monkeys Break Into Yunlin Homes

News For Kids

2022/04/20 | 00:05:30 | SoundOn #education

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Do you hear that? That is the sound of monkeys. These kinds of monkeys are called Formosan macaques.

And there are a lot of them in Taiwan. Especially in the mountains.

Formosan macaques have gray and light brown fur, and pink faces, and they're usually not afraid of people! This is why you need to be very careful if you ever see one close by.

Because even though these monkeys might look cute, they can be a little dangerous!

Especially when there is food. Monkeys love to take food from people! For example, a group of these Formosan macaques attacked a neighborhood in Yunlin County last month!

About thirty monkeys broke into houses to take peoples' vegetables and fruits from their gardens.

People were very scared! They were so scared that they protected themselves using sticks and bats.

Some people even shot B-B guns to scare the monkeys away. But these monkeys were very tough, and they weren't scared at all!

Luckily, no people nor monkeys were hurt. But it must have been very scary to see monkeys attacking your neighborhood.

So be careful if you ever bring snacks with you while you're hiking in Taiwan. A monkey might try to take them from you!


  1. Attack 攻擊
    Will that monkey attack us? 那隻猴子會不會攻擊我們?
    Only if you take out your sandwich. 只有你拿出三明治才會。

  2. Even though 雖然
    Even though I'm going to eat it up in 3 seconds? 就算我三秒鐘吃完也會嗎?
    Probably not. But let's just keep away from it. 也許不會,但我們和牠保持距離。

  3. Scare 害怕
    Now I'm scared. 現在我有點怕了。
    No, monkeys are not that scary. 不用怕,猴子沒有那麼可怕。
    You just need to be careful.你只需要小心一點。

  4. Careful 小心的
    You can eat your sandwich now. 你現在可以吃你的三明治了。
    But you said I need to be careful. 但是你說我必須小心。
    There are no monkeys here! 這裡沒有猴子啊!

attack 攻擊
even though 雖然
scare 害怕
careful 小心的


  1. What kind of animal attacked people in this story?
    A: Monkeys
    B: Dogs
    C: Elephants

  2. Where did this attack take place?
    A: Pingtung
    B: Yunlin
    C: Kinmen

  3. How many were there?
    A: Two
    B: Three
    C: Thirty


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C