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Stress Makes Monkeys Lose Hair

Stress Makes Monkeys Lose Hair

News For Kids

2022/03/30 | 00:05:33 | SoundOn #education

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Hey, students! Do you guys ever feel stress? Lots of things can make people feel stress. For example, loud noises make me feel stress.

Did you know that monkeys also feel stress?

Today, I'm going to talk about some monkeys in Kaohsiung. People noticed that these monkeys are losing hair. That's right - they are going bald!

At first, scientists thought some disease was making these monkeys lose their hair. But they found out later that it wasn't because of a disease. It was because of stress. Poor monkeys! 科學家一開始以為他們生病了,但是後來發現是因為壓力!

Why are these monkeys feeling so much stress? It is too crowded.

There are too many monkeys there because people were feeding them a lot. More monkeys came because of the food.

But then the Kaohsiung government told people not to feed the monkeys. So, the monkeys don't have as much food to eat anymore. Guess what? That also makes the monkeys feel even more stress.

I really feel sorry for these monkeys. There are too many monkeys where they live. And, there is not enough food for them. That's why they feel stress. And that's why they are going bald. I hope they feel better soon!


  1. Too much, too many 太多。
    That test gave me too much stress. 那個考試給我太大的壓力了。
    I know. There are too many tests. 我知道,太多考試了。

  2. Stress 壓力。
    I know how to ease your stress. 我知道如何減輕你的壓力。
    Yeah, how? 怎麼減輕?
    Let's ride our bikes to the park! 我們騎車去公園吧!
    Okay! 好啊!

  3. Crowded 擁擠的。
    It's so crowded here! 這裡好擠喔!
    Why do people like this crowded place? 為什麼大家喜歡這個擁擠的地方?
    We are here, aren't we? 我們也在這裡,不是嗎?

  4. Feed 餵食。
    I'd like to feed the birds. 我想要餵鳥。
    That's not a good idea. 不是個好主意。
    Feeding wild birds could spread bird flu. 餵食野鳥可能會散播禽流感。

Let's read the words.
too much, too many 太多
stress 壓力
crowded 擁擠的
feed 餵食


  1. What is happening to the monkeys in Kaohsiung?
    A: They have a bad disease.
    B: They are losing their hair.
    C: They are being hurt by visitors.

  2. What has caused this problem?
    A: People are now feeding them too much.
    B: It is too noisy where they live.
    C: They feel too much stress.

  3. What does "crowded" mean?
    A: Many people, animals, or things together
    B: Not enough food to eat
    C: Loud noise that causes stress


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A