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Floating Toilets for Floating Villages

Floating Toilets for Floating Villages

News For Kids

2023/04/14 | 00:05:13 | SoundOn #education

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Ahh! That's better… now I need to wash my hands!

Toilets are great! They take our germs away. That helps us to be healthy.

Without toilets, people can get very sick. But toilets cost money. Some people don't have money for a toilet.

In Cambodia, there's a big lake. It's called the Tonle Sap. It's the biggest fishing lake in the world!

About 100,000 people live on the Tonle Sap. They live in floating villages. They have houses and schools. But they do not have toilets. The lake water is very dirty.

The people there are very poor. They use the lake water for everything. They use it for cleaning.They use it for cooking.Some use it for drinking. That can make them very sick.

A company wants to help these people. It wants them to use floating toilets!

These floating toilets are called "HandyPods". HandyPods clean the dirty toilet water. They help make the lake water safe.

Now there are 100 HandyPods on the Tonle Sap. The company wants 200 more HandyPods there by 2025. That's 300 HandyPods!

Floating toilets for floating villages, to help people stay healthy! What a great idea!


  1. floating 漂浮的
    Have you heard of a floating house? 你有聽過漂浮房屋嗎?
    Yes, I have. They are homes that float on the water. 有啊,就是浮在水面上的家。

  2. in the world 世界上
    That's right. 沒錯。
    There are many floating houses in the world. 世界上有很多漂浮房屋。
    Like in the Netherlands. 就像荷蘭。
    Exactly. 正是。

  3. people 人們
    I can imagine why the Dutch people like them. 我可以想像為什麼荷蘭人喜歡它。
    Oh, why? 為什麼呢?
    They can just float away if they don't like their neighbors. 要是他們不喜歡鄰居,就可以漂走。

  4. fish 釣魚
    Or it's because they can go fishing anytime they want. 或者也是因為可以隨時釣魚。
    That too. 也是。

floating 漂浮的
in the world 世界上
people 人們
fish 釣魚


  1. What is the world's biggest fishing lake?
    A: The Tonle Pod
    B: The Tonle Sap
    C: The Toilet Sap

  2. Where are these floating villages?
    A: On the water
    B: In the sky
    C: In trees

  3. How many HandyPods are on the lake now?
    A: 100
    B: 200
    C: 300


  1. B
  2. A
  3. A