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Take Care of Your Teeth!

Take Care of Your Teeth!

News For Kids

2023/04/20 | 00:05:17 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Oh, excuse me. I'm brushing my teeth. There! I'm finished. Sorry about that.

It's important to take care of your teeth. It's easy. You need a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and… your teeth!

How many times do you brush your teeth every day? Do you brush them two times? Three times?

But toothbrushes can't brush between your teeth. Floss can. Do you floss your teeth?

It's important to take care of your gums too. Do you know what gums are? Open your mouth. Look! Your gums hold your teeth. Brushing and flossing make gums healthy too.

Some people get gum disease. Their gums hurt. Ouch!

What? No, chewing gum does not cause gum disease. Go ahead and chew gum. Not brushing or flossing causes gum disease.

Gum disease can make chewing hurt. It can make teeth fall out! Now scientists think gum disease can make other parts of the body hurt too.

Hmm… let's see. I brush and floss my teeth every day. And later, I won't get gum disease. Chewing won't hurt. My teeth won't fall out. Other parts of my body, like my hands and knees, won't hurt. Great!

I take good care of my teeth. I hope you do, too!


  1. toothbrush 牙刷
    For our trip this weekend… 我們這周的旅行…
    Yeah? 怎麼樣?
    I'm thinking of just bringing a toothbrush. 我想只帶一隻牙刷。

  2. time 次數
    Bad idea. 這主意不好。
    We're going to stay at a 5-star hotel. 我們會住五星級飯店。
    They've got everything. 他們什麼都有。
    How many times have you stayed at such a hotel? 你住過這種飯店幾次?
    None. 一次也沒有。

  3. need 需要
    You'll still need a change of clothes. 你還是需要換洗衣服。
    Okay, that's easy. 好吧,那很容易。

  4. chew 咀嚼
    What else? 還有什麼?
    Body lotion, chewing gum… 身體乳液,口香糖…
    How do you know I need chewing gum? 你怎麼知道我需要口香糖?
    Aren't you chewing it now? 你不是正在吃?

toothbrush 牙刷
time 次數
need 需要
chew 咀嚼


  1. What do you need to brush your teeth?
    A: Knees
    B: Scientists
    C: Toothpaste

  2. What causes gum disease?
    A: Chewing gum
    B: Not brushing your teeth
    C: Flossing too much

  3. What do scientists think gum disease can do?
    A: Make other parts of the body hurt
    B: Make chewing easy
    C: Make teeth healthy


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A