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Printers Help Musicians Save Money

Printers Help Musicians Save Money

News For Kids

2023/01/06 | 00:05:15 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Ah! The violin. So beautiful, so peaceful, so… expensive!

The most expensive violin ever made cost 20 million U.S. dollars, that's nearly 615 million NT dollars! A new violin for a beginner costs about 15,000 NT. But that's still a lot of money!
世界最貴的小提琴要兩千萬美金,將近六億一千五百萬台幣! 初學者的小提琴大概一萬五千元台幣,但這樣還是很貴!

Do you know what that is? That's the sound of a 3D printer.
這個聲音是 3D 印表機。

They're so cool, they can make anything you like! Toys, tables, tennis rackets… you name it!

You type in what you want, and the 3D printer gets to work, shooting liquid plastic into the air! The plastic goes hard really fast, which means it can make lots of different shapes and sizes.

Some clever musicians in America are now using 3D printers to make violins, so they're much cheaper!

Other instruments have been 3D printed before too, like guitars and saxophones!

What instrument would you like to print and play?


  1. play 彈奏
    I've never learned to play the guitar. 我從來沒學過彈吉他。
    But you play so well! 你卻彈得這麼好!
    Thank you. I'm still a beginner. 謝謝你,我還是初學者。
    I taught myself how to play last year. 我去年才教我自己怎麼彈。

  2. cost 花費
    Maybe you should take a class. 也許你該去上個課。
    No, that would cost too much. 不了,那花太多錢了。

  3. clever 聰明的
    How about letting me help you? 讓我幫你忙如何?
    What, for guitar lessons? 什麼忙,上吉他課嗎?
    Yeah, you're clever. You can learn it fast. 對啊,你很聰明的,可以學很快。

  4. guitar 吉他
    Then can I have a new guitar? 那我可以有一把新吉他嗎?
    Not worried about the cost now? 現在你就不擔心花費了?

These are useful words to learn.
play 彈奏
cost 花費
clever 聰明的
guitar 吉他


  1. How much is 20 million U.S. dollars in NT dollars?
    A: Over 615 million NT
    B: Exactly 615 million NT
    C: Nearly 615 million NT

  2. What does a 3D printer shoot into the air?
    A: Liquid plastic
    B: Solid water
    C: Gassy beans

  3. What other instrument has been 3D printed before?
    A: A saxophone
    B: A piano
    C: A church organ


  1. C
  2. A
  3. A