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Pizza Vending Machine

Pizza Vending Machine

News For Kids

2021/09/27 | 00:05:30 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


We talk a lot about pizza here on News for Kids. We can't help it, it's one of our favorite foods! 大家都很喜歡吃披薩吧!

Pizza tastes so good! But the bad part about ordering pizza… is waiting half an hour for it to arrive! 披薩超好吃,但每次都要等上半小時,太久了!

But what if you could get pizza whenever you want? Maybe with a vending machine! Someone has done that in Italy! The machine sells small pizzas for pretty cheap. And it only takes about 3 minutes! 義大利有人發明了披薩販賣機,只要三分鍾就可以吃到披薩!

And of course, you can choose what toppings you want! Plus, there's a window in the machine, so you can see your pizza being made! 可以選你要的口味!販賣機也有玻璃窗,讓你看它做披薩!

Not everyone in Italy likes the machine, though. They think the pizza it makes isn't very good. 有些義大利人不喜歡這個販賣機,覺得它做的披薩不好吃。

Would you eat pizza from a vending machine? Maybe someone will make a machine like that in Taiwan! 你願意吃販賣機做的披薩嗎?或許有一天台灣也開始賣!



  1. Minute 分鐘。
    Are you hungry? 肚子餓了嗎?
    Yeah, very much so. 很餓了。
    This will only take 5 minutes. 這只需要五分鐘。
    Five minutes is too long. 五分鐘太久了。

  2. Whenever 不論何時。
    You can have pizza whenever you want! 你什麼時候想吃披薩就可以吃!
    How about now? 現在可以嗎?
    I want a seafood pizza. 我想要一個海鮮披薩。

  3. Choose 選擇。
    Sure, and choose one more. 當然,你還可以再選一個。
    I'll choose a Margherita. 我選瑪格麗特披薩。

  4. Everyone 每個人。
    Everyone likes ice cream.每個人都喜歡冰淇淋。
    That's not true. I don't. 不對,我就不喜歡。
    Why not? 為什麼呢?
    I'm allergic to milk. 我對牛奶過敏。

Would you read the words with me?
minute 分鐘
whenever 不論何時
choose 選擇
everyone 每個人


  1. What food are we talking about?
    A. Hamburgers
    B. Hotdogs
    C. Pizza

  2. Where is the pizza vending machine?
    A. In Taiwan
    B. In Italy
    C. In Japan

  3. What do Italians think about the vending machine pizza?
    A. They don't think it's very good.
    B. They love it!
    C. They wish they had popsicles instead.


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A