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Video Games Can Be Good for Your Health

Video Games Can Be Good for Your Health

News For Kids

2021/09/13 | 00:05:39 | SoundOn #education

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Video games are so fun. I could play video games for hours!

But my parents always tell me I shouldn't play video games for too long because it will make my eyes go bad and rot my brain. 我爸媽都說玩太多電動遊戲會傷害眼睛,對腦袋也不好。

Well, guess what? I can prove them wrong!

Some very smart researchers from around the world found out that video games can actually be really good for your brain! 有一些研究員發現電動遊戲其實對你的腦袋很好!

For example, researchers found out that playing video games can actually help the brain remember more things. 可以幫助記憶。

They can actually make you smarter, too! Researchers found out that some people were actually able to think better after playing video games. 研究顯示,打過電動之後,頭腦也會比較清楚。

And guess what else? Some studies showed that people's brains actually got bigger after playing a lot of video games! 有一些人的腦容量變大了! All the parts of the brains that are in charge of memory, planning, and how you move your body… all got bigger!

Isn't that amazing? The next time my parents tell me to stop playing video games, I'll just tell them that I should keep playing, because it will make my brain bigger, better, and smarter!

It still might not be very good for my eyes though… Hmm…



  1. Researcher 研究人員。
    Researchers are people who study things. 研究員就是研究東西的人。
    What things? 什麼樣的東西?
    Like what's good for the brain. 比如說什麼對頭腦比較好。

  2. Brain 腦袋。
    Sleep is important for the brain. 睡眠對腦子很重要。
    Yeah, I know. 我知道。
    But you only sleep 4 hours a day. 但是你一天只睡4小時。
    How does your brain still work? 為什麼你的腦袋還是有用?

  3. Better 更好。
    I can think better after taking a shower. 我洗過澡之後比較能想事情。
    For me, walking is better. 對我來說走路比較好。

  4. Smarter 更聰明。
    My computer is getting smarter! 我的電腦越來越聰明了。
    What do you mean? 怎麼說?
    It just said I should take time off tomorrow. 它剛剛說我明天應該請假。

Please read after me.
researcher 研究員
brain 腦袋
better 更好
smarter 更聰明


  1. What part of the body is talked about in this story?
    a. The face
    b. The brain
    c. The hands

  2. What did studies show playing video games did to the brain?
    a. Made them bigger
    b. Made them smaller
    c. Made them dumber

  3. What didn't researchers say in the story?
    a. Video games make your eyes bad
    b. Video games make some people smarter
    c. Video games make some people think better


  1. B
  2. A
  3. A