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Californians Collect Water From Storms

Californians Collect Water From Storms

News For Kids

2023/03/22 | 00:05:19 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Today is World Water Day! What does that mean? Does it mean we should all go take a bath and splash water everywhere?

Not really! In fact, World Water Day is about taking care of our fresh water.

Where does freshwater come from? It can come from the ground, or it can fall from the sky.

How can we take care of our fresh water? To answer that question, let's talk about California. Recently, California has had two big problems with water.

One problem is drought. That means it's too dry. For many years, there has not been enough fresh water in California!
一個問題是乾旱。 加州好幾年以來,一直沒有足夠的淡水!

But this winter, California had the opposite problem. There were huge rainstorms. The water came down too fast, and flooded many places.

Some Californians looked at these two problems, and had an idea. If they can save the water from the rainstorms, they can use it again later when it gets too dry.

So, they collected all the water they could. They keep it in barrels and in cans. Later, when the weather is dry again, they can use it to water trees and gardens.

Taiwan sometimes has droughts too. Today, on World Water Day, let's remember to use our water well!


  1. bath 洗澡
    I'm going to take a bath. 我要洗個澡。
    Two baths in one day? 一天洗兩次?
    Why not? I'll sleep better. 為什麼不呢?我會睡得比較好。

  2. drought 乾旱
    We're going through a drought, you know. 你知道我們正在鬧旱災。
    I do, and I've already stopped watering my trees. 我知道,我已經停止給樹澆水了。

  3. save 儲存
    You can save some of the bath water for that. 你可以存一些洗澡水去澆水。
    That's too much trouble. 太麻煩了。
    And the water may kill my trees. 那些水有可能弄死我的樹。

  4. dry 乾掉
    No, it won't. 不會的。
    And it'll be better than just letting them dry up. 比讓那些樹乾枯好。

bath 洗澡
drought 乾旱
save 儲存
dry 乾掉


  1. What day is today?
    A: World Whale Day
    B: World Wind Day
    C: World Water Day

  2. What happened in California this winter?
    A: Rainstorms
    B: Hurricanes
    C: Tsunamis

  3. What did Californians do with all the water that fell?
    A: Take a bath
    B: Save it for later
    C: Splash it everywhere


  1. C
  2. A
  3. B