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Italian Town Sells Homes for 1 Euro

Italian Town Sells Homes for 1 Euro

News For Kids

2021/11/12 | 00:05:28 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Hey kids! Let's talk about money. Do you know what a euro is? A euro is money that people use in many countries in Europe.

One euro is equal to about 32 NT dollars.

You can't buy much with a euro. I guess you can buy some candy or gum at 7-Eleven.

But in Italy, there is a town where you can buy a house for just 1 euro, or 32 NT!

The town is called Maenza, and it is close to Rome. The houses are very old. They were built hundreds of years ago. No one has lived in them for a long, long time.
這個靠近羅馬的小鎮叫做Maenza, 那裡的房子非常古老,有好幾百年的歷史,而且很久很久沒有人住了。

But there is one thing people must do. They must agree to repair the houses. It might cost a lot of money to fix them up. After people fix up the buildings, they can live in them. Or, they can use them for a business, like a restaurant or a store.

What do you think? Would you like to buy a home for 32 NT in Italy? Why not? I think Italian food is great!


  1. Old 老的。This house looks so old! 這個房子看起來好古老! It's more than one hundred years old. 它已經超過一百歲了。One hundred years! That's really old. 一百歲,那真的很老。

  2. House 房屋。But it's still a beautiful house.不過它仍然是很美的房子。Yeah, it's the kind of house you'd like to live in. 沒錯,它就是你想住的那種房子。

  3. Fix 修理。Just fixing it will cost a lot of money. 光是整修它就要花好多錢。And it'll be hard to find the right people to fix it. 而且要找到恰當的人來修也很難。

  4. Restaurant 餐廳。I'm hungry. Let's find a restaurant and eat. 我餓了。我們找一家餐館吃飯吧。That's always a great idea! 很棒的主意! I just saw a restaurant over there. 我剛剛就看到那裏有一家餐館。

old 古老的
house 房屋
fix 修理
restaurant 餐廳


  1. What is a euro?
    A: A type of money
    B: A city in Europe
    C: An old building

  2. What country are the cheap houses in?
    A: Germany
    B: Turkey
    C: Italy

  3. What must people do with the cheap houses?
    A: Repair them
    B: Live in them
    C: Use them for a business


  1. A
  2. C
  3. A