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Students Fight Floods with Video Games

Students Fight Floods with Video Games

News For Kids

2022/05/30 | 00:05:43 | SoundOn #education

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Hello! Sorry about all this water, my house is flooded!

A flood happens when there is too much water! So the water starts rising higher and higher, and going everywhere! Even inside people's houses, like mine…

Don't worry, I'm safe! But floods can be very dangerous. If they are big they can really hurt people, or buildings, or crops, or all sorts of things.

Floods are very hard to stop. And, as the planet gets hotter, scientists say there will be many more.

But, some students in the UK have now found a fun way to fight floods: with a new game called 'Rivercraft'!

Have you played it? In this game you live in a world made of boxes. You can use these boxes to build anything you like! Like Taipei 101, or your teacher!

The students in the UK have to build things to help stop the river from flooding! Like a dam, or a ditch, or a big lake, or anything at all!

They say the game is really fun, they like all the crazy things they can build! And they like learning how to help us save the planet as it gets hotter.

I hope they learn fast, this flood has made my house so wet! I think I need a bucket…


  1. build 建造
    We can build a bridge here. 我們可以在這裡蓋一座橋。
    A bridge for cars? 給汽車走的橋嗎?
    No, we can build a small bridge for bikes. 不,我們可以蓋一座給腳踏車的小橋。

  2. river 河流
    This is a beautiful river. 這是一條美麗的河。
    Yeah, I love coming here to see the sunset. 是,我喜歡來這裡看夕陽。
    Sunlight on the river is magic ! 陽光灑在河面上很魔幻!

  3. flood 洪水,淹水
    Rivers are not always friendly.河流不見得都很友善。
    Right, they can flood roads and houses. 沒錯,它們會淹沒道路和房屋。

  4. fight 對抗
    How can we fight floods? 我們要如何對抗洪水?
    By stopping typhoons from coming here. 讓颱風不要來這裡。
    That would be hard. 這有點難。

Okay, 我們來讀讀單字。
build 建造
river 河流
flood 洪水,淹水
fight 對抗


  1. What is a 'flood'?
    A: Lots and lots of lollipops
    B: Lots and lots of water
    C: Lots and lots of panda bears

  2. When do scientists think there will be more floods?
    A: When the planet gets bigger
    B: When the planet gets colder
    C: When the planet gets hotter

  3. What video game are UK students playing to help them fight floods?
    A: Mountaincraft
    B: Rivercraft
    C: Skycraft


  1. B
  2. C
  3. B