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The Woman Who Swallowed a Toothbrush

The Woman Who Swallowed a Toothbrush

News For Kids

2022/05/31 | 00:05:29 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Be careful! Don't swallow your toothbrush!

What? You can't swallow a toothbrush!

Well, one woman in Pingtung did!

The doctors at the hospital were very surprised. They said they never heard of someone swallowing a toothbrush before.

She told the doctors, "Oh… I was super tired when I woke up and when I was brushing my teeth… I swallowed my toothbrush! It was an accident!"

The doctors asked the woman the same question two or three times: "Toothbrush? Did you say toothbrush? You swallowed a toothbrush?"

Then the doctors took an X-ray. And… yep! They saw the toothbrush inside the woman.

They helped her and took the toothbrush out of her body.

The woman was very happy and said swallowing a toothbrush is no fun! It hurt a lot!

It's important to remember to brush your teeth… but we should be careful! We shouldn't run or play when we are holding a toothbrush… because we might fall and get hurt.

And… if you feel really tired in the morning… maybe splash some water on your face and wake up a bit before you brush your teeth!


1) tooth 牙齒,teeth 牙齒
Why do we have to brush our teeth every day? 我們為什麼必須每天刷牙?
Tigers never do. 老虎從來不刷。
Well, tigers don't have a sweet tooth. 老虎不愛吃甜食。

2) accident 意外
My friend had an accident yesterday. 我的朋友昨天出了意外。
What happened? 發生了什麼事?
He fell from his bike and broke his leg. 他從腳踏車摔下來,折斷了腿。

3) tired 疲倦的
Was he hit by a car? 他是被車子撞到嗎?
No. I think he was too tired. 不是,我想他是太累了。

4) hospital 醫院。
So I sent him to the hospital. 所以我把他送到醫院。
He'll be there for a long time. 他要住院很久。

tooth, teeth 牙齒
accident 意外
tired 疲倦的
hospital 醫院


  1. Why did the woman swallow her toothbrush?
    A: She said it was an accident
    B: Because toothbrushes are yummy
    C: She said she forgot why she did it

  2. Where did this story happen?
    A: Taitung
    B: Taichung
    C: Pingtung

  3. What did the doctors do?
    A: They told her to go away
    B: They took an X-ray and helped the woman
    C: They swallowed their toothbrushes


  1. A
  2. C
  3. B