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Laos gets an HSR

Laos gets an HSR

News For Kids

2022/01/06 | 00:05:34 | SoundOn #education

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Ask your mom or dad about Taiwan before the high-speed rail, or "HSR", was built.

Back then, if you wanted to go from Taipei to Kaohsiung, you could take a bus or a train…but they were slow. It would take maybe 5 hours! If the traffic was bad… the bus could take 8 hours!

Now we have the HSR and… zoom! we can travel across Taiwan in just 90 minutes.

Taiwan is lucky to have good transportation… many countries don't.

Laos is a small country in Southeast Asia. But Laos has one big problem… it is "landlocked".

They don't have an easy way to get to the ocean.

It's hard to send things or get things from other countries if you can't use ships… but Laos now has a high-speed rail! It connects Laos to China.

The new HSR train in Laos can go 160 kilometers per hour.

That means it will only take a few hours to get from Laos to China… and guess how long it used to take? Many days!

Before this HSR, Laos only had a few short train lines… everybody used slow buses!

What a big change!


  1. High-speed rail 高速鐵路。
    I need to be in Taipei at 9AM tomorrow. 我明天早上九點就要到台北。
    Take the early High-speed Rail train. 你坐高鐵車。
    It'll get you there in time. 它會讓你及時趕到。

  2. Train 火車。
    Good, I love taking the train. 真好。我喜歡搭火車。
    Yeah, it's fast and smooth. 對,火車又快又平穩。

  3. Bus 巴士,公車。
    But I still have to take a bus to the HSR station. 可是我仍然需要搭公車去高鐵車站。
    Let me drive you there. 讓我開車送你去吧。

  4. Country 國家。
    I'd like to take a train across many countries. 我想要搭火車穿越很多國家。
    You can do that in Europe. 在歐洲可以那樣。
    You can go to almost all the countries there by train. 你可以坐火車到幾乎所有國家。

Please read the words with me.
high-speed rail 高速鐵路
train 火車
bus 巴士
country 國家


  1. What country now has a new high-speed rail?
    A: Kaohsiung
    B: Laos
    C: China

  2. What problem does Laos have?
    A: There is no easy way to get to the ocean.
    B: It is in the air. They float on clouds.
    C: It is underwater… there is no easy way to get to land.

  3. From where does the new HSR go to?
    A: It goes from Laos to China
    B: It goes from Laos to Taipei
    C: It goes from Laos to the ocean

1: B
2: A
3: A