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Ozone Layer Getting Better

Ozone Layer Getting Better

News For Kids

2023/03/24 | 00:05:07 | SoundOn #education

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Hi, students! I want to ask you a question. Do you know about pollution? Pollution means things like air or water are dirty. We get air pollution from many things, like cars.
Pollution 就是汙染。很多東西都會汙染空氣,像是汽車。

Pollution is bad. It causes a lot of problems. One problem is big: air pollution hurts the ozone layer. The ozone layer is above the earth and the clouds. You can't see it, but it helps us a lot.
The ozone layer keeps us safe from the sun. We would be in big trouble without the ozone layer! We would have more problems with our skin. We would have more problems with our eyes too.

Air pollution made a hole in the ozone layer. That is very bad. But there is some good news. The ozone layer is getting better!

Think of it like this. You fall down. You get a cut on your skin. Then your skin gets better. It heals. The cut goes away.

Like your skin, the ozone layer is healing. The hole in the ozone layer is getting smaller.

That is great news! It's healing because the air is cleaner. Maybe one day, the hole in the ozone layer will go away.


  1. heal 癒合
    Your wound is healing. 你的傷口正在癒合。
    It looks smaller now. 它現在看起來比較小了。
    Yeah, it hurt like crazy yesterday. 是啊,昨天還痛得要命。
    But now it's getting better. 現在就好些了。

  2. fall 跌倒
    I still can't believe you fell down the stairs. 我還是不相信你會從樓梯摔下來。
    I know, and hit my head on the cabinet. 我知道,並且還撞到櫃子。

  3. help 幫忙
    I'm lucky to still have two eyes. 我很幸運還有兩隻眼睛。
    You're lucky to have me help you with cooking. 你很幸運有我幫你做飯。

  4. safe 安全的
    How can I stay safe? 我怎樣才能保持安全?
    By staying upstairs…? 就待在樓上嗎?

heal 癒合
fall 跌倒
help 幫忙
safe 安全的


  1. What does the ozone layer do?
    A: It makes the air dirty
    B: It makes problems with our skin
    C: It keeps us safe from the sun

  2. What made the hole in the ozone layer?
    A: Pollution
    B: The sun
    C: Clouds

  3. What is the great news about the ozone layer?
    A: It is getting bigger
    B: It is not changing
    C: It is healing


  1. C
  2. A
  3. C