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New Playgrounds in Kaohsiung

New Playgrounds in Kaohsiung

News For Kids

2021/12/16 | 00:05:34 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Playgrounds are fun!

Everyone loves slides, swings, and monkey bars.

But in Kaohsiung, some of the playgrounds are very old… The swings are broken… the slides are broken… and the monkey bars are broken.

But… good news! Kaohsiung will soon open new parks… with new playgrounds!

All the swings, slides, tunnels and monkey bars are new… and they look like fun!

One big new playground park is now open in the Auzidi Park.

The Auozidi Playground looks really cool!

There are some small slides and one really big slide!

You have to climb up a tower of ropes to get to the big, tall slide!

And there are swings… 還有鞦韆… and tunnels for children to play in.

And of course, lots of monkey bars and other things for exercise and play!

Kids in Kaohsiung will soon have many new places to play! And all the playground equipment is new!

I'm so happy for Kaohsiung! Maybe I'll go visit!

It's wet and cold in Taipei in the winter, but it's usually warm and sunny in Kaohsiung!

Perfect weather for going to the park!


  1. Park 公園。
    What's your favorite park in Taipei, Ryan? 台北你最喜歡哪個公園?
    It would be the Riverside Park. 是河濱公園。
    I can go biking there, 我可以去那裡騎車, and the view is wonderful. 而且景觀很棒。

  2. Broken 損壞的。
    What's going on? 這是怎麼回事?
    All the slides and swings are broken! 所有的溜滑梯跟鞦韆都壞了!
    Yeah, why didn't they fix these broken things? 對啊,他們怎麼沒有修這些壞掉的東西?

  3. Sunny 有太陽的。
    It'll be a sunny day tomorrow. 明天是晴天。
    Let's go out and have some fun! 我們出去玩兒吧!

  4. Open 打開,開幕。
    Great idea. 好主意。
    A new water park has opened in Nantou. 南投有一家水上樂園新開幕。
    Then what are we waiting for? 那我們還在等什麼?

Shall we read the words?
park 公園
broken 壞的
sunny 有太陽的
open 打開


  1. What is a 'playground'?
    A: A videogame
    B: A place to park your car
    C: A place to play on swings, slides, and monkey bars!

  2. Why are they opening new playgrounds in Kaohsiung?
    A: Things in the old parks are broken
    B: It's wet and cold in Kaohsiung
    C: The city wants children to stay home

  3. What was one park in the story?
    A: Auozidi Park
    B: Monkey Park
    C: Lala Park


  1. C
  2. A
  3. A