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First Fully Biodegradable Shoe

First Fully Biodegradable Shoe

News For Kids

2022/11/10 | 00:05:05 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Ahhh, the beach is so nice.

The sun, the ocean, the shoes… What? Shoes?

Why are there shoes floating in the water?

How can they be floating in the ocean for so long, and still look almost new??!

It's because they are not biodegradable!

"Biodegradable" means something that turns back into nature after time.

So, wood is biodegradable, many clothes are biodegradable, and even some kinds of metal are biodegradable.

Things that are not biodegradable can take hundreds and hundreds of years to break down into tiny pieces, and that's bad for the earth!

But now you can buy a new kind of shoe that is 100% biodegradable!

When you throw them away, they become part of the earth again in just one year!

We all need to think about what we buy and ask, "Is this biodegradable?"

Okay, let me get those shoes out of the ocean!


  1. shoes 鞋子
    I need a pair of sports shoes. 我需要一雙運動鞋。
    There's this shoe store that sells biodegradable shoes. 有一家鞋店賣可以生物分解的鞋子。

  2. break down 分解
    I've heard about them. 我有聽說過。
    But they break down easily, right? 但是它們很容易分解,對嗎?
    Yeah, they usually break down in a year. 對,通常一年之內就會分解。

  3. throw away 扔掉
    You can then just throw them away. 然後你就可以把它扔掉。
    But I don't want that to happen when I'm climbing mountains. 但是我可不想在爬山時發生那種事。

  4. earth 地球
    Well, look at the bright side. 要看好的一面。
    Your shoes will become part of the earth again. 你的鞋子又變回地球的一部份了。

shoes 鞋子
break down 分解
throw away 扔掉
earth 地球


  1. What is "biodegradable"?
    A: Something that becomes part of nature
    B: Something that lives for 400 years
    C: Something for dogs

  2. What can you buy now?
    A: 100% biodegradable shoes!
    B: Shoes for fish!
    C: 100% plastic shoes!

  3. When do biodegradable shoes go back to nature?
    A: In one year
    B: In 500 years
    C: In ten years


  1. A
  2. A
  3. A