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How Blossom Met Frankie

How Blossom Met Frankie

News For Kids

2023/05/01 | 00:05:10 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Today is Mother Goose Day in the USA.

Blossom is a goose. She lives on a pond.
Blossom 是一隻住在池塘裡的鵝。

Animals don't have wives or husbands. They have mates. Geese have the same mate all their lives. Blossom's mate was Bud. But Bud died last year.
動物沒有所謂的老婆或老公,動物的夫妻叫做配偶,鵝一生只會有一個配偶。Blossom 的配偶 Bud 去年過世了。

Blossom went to an office near the pond. She went many times. She looked at the office windows. But Blossom didn't see the office. What did she see?

She saw a goose in the windows. Was it Bud? No, it wasn't. Blossom was looking at… Blossom.

Blossom was sad without Bud. She was lonely.
Blossom 常常去附近一間辦公室的門口,看著窗戶反射的自己。沒有 Bud,Blossom 好難過又好寂寞。

Dorie worked in the office. She saw Blossom at the windows. Then Dorie had an idea. She sent a letter to a newspaper. The letter said Blossom wanted a new mate.
在辦公室工作的 Dorie 看到了 Blossom,然後寄了一封信給報社,說 Blossom 想要一個新配偶。

Two people read about Blossom in the newspaper. They had a pet named Frankie. Frankie was lonely. His mate was dead. And… he was a goose!
有兩個人在報紙上讀到 Blossom 的故事。他們有一隻叫做 Frankie 的鵝,他的配偶也過世了。

Now Blossom and Frankie are mates. They go to the pond together.
現在 Blossom 跟 Frankie 變成配偶了。他們會一起去池塘划水!

Happy Mother Goose Day, Blossom and Frankie!


  1. sad 悲傷的
    Why does your dog look so sad? 你的狗怎麼看起來這麼悲傷?
    Buddy just lost his mate. 巴弟才剛剛失去牠的伴侶。
    Oh, no, poor Buddy! 糟糕了,可憐的巴弟!

  2. lonely 寂寞的
    Yeah, he's sad and lonely. 對啊,他好難過,又很寂寞。
    How did his mate die? 牠的伴怎麼死的?
    She got hit by a truck.被卡車撞的。
    That's terrible! 真可怕!

  3. die 死亡
    No dog should die that way. 狗狗不該那樣完蛋。
    I know. But trucks and cars drive very fast here. 我知道,但是這裡的卡車汽車都開很快。

  4. look at 看著
    Now Buddy just sits there and looks at the door. 現在巴弟就坐在那裏看著門。
    He's waiting for his mate to come back? 他在等他的伴侶回來嗎?
    Yup. 是的。

sad 悲傷的
lonely 寂寞的
die 死亡
look at 看著


  1. Where does Blossom live?
    A: On a pond
    B: In an office
    C: At a window

  2. Who sent a letter to a newspaper?
    A: Blossom
    B: Dorie
    C: Frankie

  3. Who is Frankie?
    A: Blossom's new wife
    B: Blossom's new husband
    C: Blossom's new mate


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C