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Hanukkah Celebrated with Stamp

Hanukkah Celebrated with Stamp

News For Kids

2022/12/16 | 00:05:16 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


At this time of year, people like to send special cards to their family and friends! There are "Happy New Year" cards, 'Merry Christmas' cards… and there are "Happy Hanukkah" cards, too!

Hanukkah is an 8 day Jewish holiday, based on a story from long ago…

After a big fight, the Jewish people had to rebuild a temple. Inside the temple was a lamp, with only enough oil to burn for one evening, but it stayed lit for 8 whole nights!

Jewish people believe that God must have helped keep the lamp lit. That's why they light candles during Hanukkah, using a special candlestick called a "menorah". It has 8 branches for all the candles to go in, one for every night.

This year, a new stamp has been made to celebrate Hanukkah in the U.S. On it is a picture of a beautiful, colorful menorah. They're printing over 10 million Hanukkah stamps, and one of them will even be hung in a museum!

Hanukkah starts this weekend, so why not send your friends and family a lovely holiday card this winter! Happy Hanukkah everyone!


  1. temple 聖殿,寺廟
    This is a very cool temple. 這座廟好酷!
    Yeah, I think it was built 200 years ago. 對,我想是兩百年前建的。

  2. lamp 燈
    And look at all those little lamps. 你看那些小燈。
    Every one of them has a name. 每一盞都有名字。
    Those are for peace and a bright future. 那些是為了祈求平安和光明未來。

  3. stamp 郵票
    I'm going to Family Mart. 我要去全家。
    Do you need anything? 你需要什麼嗎?
    Please buy stamps for me. 請幫我買郵票。
    Stamps? Nobody uses stamps now. 郵票?現在沒有人用郵票了。
    I do. 我用。

  4. card 卡片
    What for? 為什麼呢?
    For sending Christmas cards, of course. 當然是為了寄耶誕卡。
    You can always send e-cards. 你可以寄電子卡啊。

temple 聖殿,寺廟
lamp 燈
stamp 郵票
card 卡片


  1. How long is Hanukkah?
    A: 88 days
    B: 8 days
    C: 18 days

  2. What is a menorah?
    A: An oil lamp
    B: A Happy New Year card
    C: A special candlestick

  3. How many Hanukkah stamps will be printed?
    A: Over 10 million
    B: Over 10 billion
    C: Over 10 trillion


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A