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Customers Trapped by Snowstorm

Customers Trapped by Snowstorm

News For Kids

2021/12/28 | 00:05:33 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Brrr… It's a little cold out there. No snow though. We don't get much snow here, but some places get a lot of it.
台灣不太下雪, 但是有一些地方會下很多!

Snow can be pretty, but it can also cause problems!

In Denmark recently, some customers were doing some shopping when heavy snow trapped them and staff inside a couple of stores all night!

Luckily, they were pretty good stores to get stuck in! One was a furniture store, and the other was a toy store!

Those in the furniture store could sleep in any bed they wanted! And getting trapped in a toy store could be pretty fun!

In England, a similar thing happened! The snow there trapped customers in a pub!

The pub had a band to play music, they had quizzes and movies, and of course food and drink, too!

They were stuck for three days! But they had a pretty good time! One lady said she didn't want to leave!

Nobody wants to be stuck anywhere, but being stuck in a furniture store, a toy store, or a pub is not too bad, right?

Which would you prefer to be stuck in?


1) Furniture 傢俱。
Let's go to a furniture store on Saturday. 我們星期六去傢俱行吧。
What do you need? 你需要什麼?
Chairs and a coffee table. 椅子和咖啡桌。
Okay, I know a good furniture store on Spring Road. 好,我知道春天路上一家不錯的傢俱行。

2) Trap 困住。
Look at this rain! We're trapped! 你看這個雨 ! 我們被困住了。
Don't worry. We can wait there. 別擔心,我們可以在那裡等。

3) Store 商店。
See, this is a nice store. 你看,這家店很不錯。
Yeah, I like a store that sells coffee and books. 對啊,我喜歡賣咖啡也賣書的店。

4) Snow 雪。
There's a lot of snow on Jade Mountain! 玉山上有好多雪!
That's strange. It's not even cold. 真奇怪,天氣並不冷啊。

Let's read the vocabulary together.
furniture 傢俱
trap 困住
store 商店
snow 雪


  1. Why were the customers trapped?
    A: They couldn't find the key
    B: Because of snow
    C: Because it was too hot

  2. Customers in Denmark were trapped in what places?
    A: A shoe store and a candy store
    B: A supermarket and a school
    C: A furniture store and a toy store

  3. Where were customers stuck in a pub?
    A: In England
    B: In South Africa
    C: In Germany


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A