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Zimbabwe's Young Chess Queens

Zimbabwe's Young Chess Queens

News For Kids

2022/12/29 | 00:05:12 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Have you ever played chess? It's a fun game. One person uses black pieces, and the other uses white pieces. Each person wants to take the other's pieces and win the game.

We can have a good time playing chess, but it can also improve our lives. Just ask Grace. She is a ten year old girl from Zimbabwe, and a star chess player.
Grace 是一個辛巴威的西洋棋棋手,她只有十歲!

At first, Grace did not think she could play chess. Some people said the game was too hard for young girls.
一開始,Grace 不覺得自己會下棋。有人說西洋棋對年輕女孩來說太難了。

But Grace wanted to try anyway. She said she saw other girls playing chess in her village, and wanted to take up the challenge!

Now, she has already won many games! She even travels around Africa with her chess team, who are all young girls from her village. Their team is called "The Queens".

When Grace wins a big game, she can earn some money. That can pay for her school and books.
Grace 只要打贏比賽,就可以賺錢。她就可以繳學費跟買書。

But she doesn't just play for money. Grace is thinking about her future. She says, "I want to be a nurse and a professional chess player".
Grace 未來想要成為一個護士跟職業西洋棋棋士!

For Grace and her teammates, chess is a great way to learn, grow, and of course to have fun!


  1. young 年輕的
    My son is five years old. 我兒子五歲。
    Do you think he's too young for soccer? 你覺得他踢足球會不會太小了?
    No, children can begin playing soccer at any age. 不會,小孩什麼年紀都可以開始踢足球。

  2. challenge 挑戰
    Does he like to win? 他喜歡贏嗎?
    Sure, who doesn't? 當然啦,誰會不喜歡?
    Then he won't be afraid of the challenge. 那他就不會害怕挑戰。

  3. player 選手
    Maybe someday he'll become a famous player… 也許有一天他會成為有名的足球員…
    And travel around Europe. 在歐洲各地旅行。

  4. team 隊伍
    So you hope he'll join a team in Europe? 所以你希望他加入一個歐洲球隊?
    Not really. I just hope he has fun. 倒也不會。我只希望他開心。

你玩西洋棋或是踢足球嗎? 來讀讀單字。
young 年輕的
challenge 挑戰
player 選手
team 隊伍


  1. Where does Grace come from?
    A: USA
    B: Zimbabwe
    C: India

  2. Why did Grace start playing chess?
    A: Her teacher told her to
    B: She saw other girls playing
    C: She wanted to win money

  3. What is Grace's goal for the future?
    A: To start a family
    B: To get rich
    C: To be a nurse and a chess player


  1. B
  2. B
  3. C