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Robots Find Salt Water on Mars

Robots Find Salt Water on Mars

News For Kids

2023/06/05 | 00:05:06 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


What does "environment" mean?

Go outside. Look around. Lie on the grass. Look at the sky.

Our environment is the natural things around us. It is the air, plants, animals, the clouds in the sky…

The Earth's environment keeps us alive. We have air to breathe. We have water to drink and food to eat.

But our planet has 8 billion people! It needs help.

We can help. But can another planet help too? Can people live there one day?

Hmmm…which planet? Some planets are too hot or too cold. Some are okay. But do they have water?
我們幫得上忙。但另一個星球也可以幫忙嗎? 有一些星球太熱,有一些星球太冷。有一些星球還可以的,但它們有水嗎?

The planet Mars is not too hot or too cold. Scientists are learning more about its environment. They sent robots to look around.

Guess what one robot found?! Salt water! Mars had salt water a long time ago. Maybe Mars has water now!

Can people live on Mars one day? Scientists need to find out more. For now, let's help our environment here on Earth!


  1. sky 天空
    Hey, you're back! 你回來了!
    How's Hehuanshan? 合歡山如何啊?
    It was great! The air was fresh and the sky seemed bigger. 很棒,空氣新鮮,天空好像變大了。

  2. cloud 雲
    There were no clouds at night so we watched the stars. 晚上沒有雲,所以我們看星星。
    That's wonderful! 太棒了!

  3. grass 草地
    So you just laid on the ground outside? 所以你們就躺在外面地上?
    Yeah, we laid on the grass until midnight. 對,躺在草地上到半夜。

  4. long time ago 很久以前
    I love stargazing. 我喜歡觀星。
    I saw many shooting stars on Taipingshan a long time ago. 我很久以前在太平山看到好多流星。

sky 天空
cloud 雲
grass 草地
long time ago 很久以前


1. What does the Earth's environment do?
A: Makes us special
B: Keeps us alive
C: Learns about Mars

  1. What did scientists send to Mars?
    A: Air
    B: Robots
    C: Clouds

  2. What did Mars have a long time ago?
    A: Animals
    B: Salt water
    C: Plants


  1. B
  2. B
  3. B