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Siblings Meet After 50 Years

Siblings Meet After 50 Years

News For Kids

2023/04/10 | 00:05:14 | SoundOn #education

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We celebrate mothers on Mother's Day, and fathers on Father's Day. So, we celebrate brothers and sisters on Siblings Day. Siblings Day is on April 10th, which is today!

Most people know their siblings. But some people don't!

Dacina and Traian are a sister and brother. They are from Romania. They did not have a mother or father. One family took Dacina. She was their new baby daughter. Another family took Traian. He was their new baby son.

Dacina did not know Traian, and Traian did not know Dacina.
Dacina 跟 Traian 是一對羅馬尼亞的姊弟,他們是孤兒,被不同的家庭領養,所以不認識彼此。

That was fifty years ago.

This year, Dacina took a DNA test. Traian took a DNA test too. Their tests said "You have a sibling"!
50 多年後,他們兩個人剛好做了一次DNA測試,發現自己原來有兄弟姊妹。

Traian wrote Dacina a message. It said, "I think you're my sister!"
Traian 傳訊息給 Dacina 說:「你好像是我姊姊!」

They are excited. Some things are the same! Dacina lives in Canada. Traian lives in Canada too! Dacina has a son. Traian has a son too! Dacina's son's name is Victor. And… Traian's son's name is Victor too!
他們之間有好多巧合,兩個人都在加拿大,兩個人也各有一個兒子,而且兩個兒子都叫做 Victor!

They are happy. Dacina has a new brother. Traian has a new sister. They are siblings! Happy Siblings Day!


  1. family 家庭
    Do you come from a big family, Jane? 你來自大家庭嗎?
    Yes, I think so. My mom had four children. 我想是,我媽媽有四個孩子。

  2. sister 姊妹
    My older sister and brother went to the U.S. years ago. 我姊姊和哥哥很多年前就去了美國。
    So you don't know them well. 所以你跟他們不太熟。
    Indeed I don't. 確實不熟。

  3. father 父親
    Come to think of it, I didn't know my father well either. 仔細想來,我跟我爸爸也不熟。
    Even though you lived together? 即使你們住在一起?
    Even though I had lived with him for 25 years. 即使我跟他住了25年。

  4. say 說
    I have to say some fathers are hard to get close to. 我必須說有的爸爸很難親近。
    Mine was like that. 我爸就是那樣。

family 家庭
sister 姊妹
father 父親
say 說


  1. What are siblings?
    A: Parents and children
    B: Mothers and fathers
    C: Brothers and sisters

  2. Where do Dacina and Traian live now?
    A: Romania
    B: Canada
    C: Colombia

  3. How do Dacina and Traian know they are siblings?
    A: They took a DNA test
    B: They are from Romania
    C: Their sons told them


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A