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Huge Goldfish Found in France

Huge Goldfish Found in France

News For Kids

2022/12/28 | 00:05:06 | SoundOn #education

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Hi, students! Today, I want to talk about a special goldfish in France. What's so special about this goldfish? It's really, really big!

Usually, goldfish weigh about half a kilogram or less. They are pretty, small, and cute. Sometimes you see them in little fish bowls swimming around. But not this goldfish named Carrot. Carrot weighs 30 kilograms!
一般的金魚最多只有半公斤重,可以在小魚缸游來游去。但是有一條名叫胡蘿蔔的金魚,重達 30 公斤!

The fish was small when it was first put into a lake 20 years ago as a baby. In those 20 years, it grew and grew. A man named Andy Hackett caught the fish. I bet it was hard to catch!
這條金魚 20 年前被放進湖裡,然後就一直長大。後來被 Andy Hackett 抓到。

What did Andy do with the fish after he caught it? Did he chop Carrot up and give some to his friends. Did he put it on a big barbeque and eat it? Did he put Carrot in a zoo?
Andy 怎麼處理這條魚?分給朋友吃嗎?烤來吃嗎?還是送進動物園?

No, he didn't do any of these things. So, what did Andy do with the giant fish? He put Carrot back in the lake. He just caught the fish for fun.
都不是。Andy把 Carrot放回湖裡,他抓魚只是為了好玩。

I wonder how big Carrot will be the next time someone catches it?


  1. bowl 碗
    I'm going to get a fishbowl. 我要買個金魚缸。
    Finally! I thought you'll use the bathtub forever. 終於!我以為你會永遠用澡缸。

  2. swim 游泳
    I do like seeing them swimming around in the bathtub. 我是很喜歡看牠們在澡缸裡游來游去。
    But I'm tired of taking a bath in the kitchen. 但是我厭煩了在廚房裡洗澡。

  3. catch 捕捉
    How do you plan to catch all the fish? 你準備怎麼抓那些魚?
    I'm not sure. 我不確定。
    I caught one yesterday but put it back. 我昨天抓到一隻,但是放回去了。

  4. special 特別的
    Maybe you can use a special fishing net. 也許你可以用特別的漁網。
    Is there such a thing? 有這種東西嗎?
    Yeah, you can find it in any fishing store. 有啊,任何一家釣魚店都有。

bowl 碗
swim 游泳
catch 捕捉
special 特別的


  1. What was the name of the big fish?
    A: Goldie
    B: Carrot
    C: Orange

  2. How old was the fish?
    A: 10 years old
    B: 20 years old
    C: 30 years old

  3. What did the man do after he caught the fish?
    A: He had a barbeque
    B: He put it back in the lake
    C: He gave it to a zoo


  1. B
  2. B
  3. B