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Tuna Sells for over 2 Million NT

Tuna Sells for over 2 Million NT

News For Kids

2022/05/27 | 00:05:27 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Do you guys like fishing? Lots of people like to go fishing for fun. And they like to eat the fish they catch. Some people earn money from fishing, too.

They sell the fish to other people. Some people can earn a lot of money from just one big fish!

In Pingtung County, a fisherman made more than 2 million NT from one big fish. Wow, that's a lot of money!

What kind of fish was it? It was a bluefin tuna. It was big, and very heavy. How heavy was it? It was 210 kilograms!

The fisherman took the fish to an auction. There, people made bids. As people bid on the huge fish, the price went higher and higher. In the end, someone bid more than 2 million NT for the fish.

That is a record. A record means it is the first time something is done. It is the first time a bluefin tuna has ever sold for so much money!

Who paid so much money for that fish? It was the owner of a seafood restaurant in Pingtung County.

I guess his customers really like to eat bluefin tuna!


  1. go fishing 去釣魚
    Let's go fishing when bluefin tuna comes around. 黑鮪魚來時我們去釣魚吧。
    What?! You don't know a thing about fishing! 什麼啊,你對釣魚一無所知!

  2. catch 抓到
    Fishermen can make big money if they catch bluefin tuna. 漁夫要是抓到黑鮪魚,可以賺大錢。
    Right, but you're not a fisherman. 對,但是你不是漁夫。

  3. earn 賺錢
    We can have somebody else do it. 我們可以請別人做。
    Think of the money we can earn! 想想看我們可以賺到的錢!
    We're already earning a lot by selling ice cream. 我們賣冰淇淋已經賺很多了。

  4. price 價錢
    No, that's not enough. 不夠的。
    Our prices are too low. 我們的定價太低了。
    You sell nothing if the price is too high. 價錢太高你什麼都賣不掉。

Do you like eating fish? Let's read the words.
go fishing 去釣魚
catch 抓到
earn 賺錢
price 價錢


  1. How much did the fish weigh?
    A: 220 kilograms
    B: 210 kilograms
    C: 230 kilograms

  2. Who bought the big fish?
    A: A fisherman
    B: A salesman
    C: A restaurant owner

  3. What did the man probably do with the big fish?
    A: Eat it all himself
    B: Serve it to customers
    C: Keep it as a pet


  1. B
  2. C
  3. B