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Satellite Finds New Group of Penguins

Satellite Finds New Group of Penguins

News For Kids

2023/03/03 | 00:05:15 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Today is World Wildlife Day! Let's talk about a wild animal that lives in a cold, icy place… the emperor penguin.
今天是世界野生動物日。我們來談談生活在冷冰冰地方的野生動物… 皇帝企鵝。

Emperor penguins live in Antarctica. It is their home, but it is too cold for people. How can we learn more about these wild animals?

We can use a satellite. A satellite flies high in the sky. It can take photos of Earth.

Recently, scientists were looking at satellite photos of Antarctica, when they saw something strange. They saw a little dot on the ice. What was it?

They looked closer, and saw the little dot was actually a big group of penguins. There were a thousand penguins in the group. They were living on the ice together, catching fish to feed their babies.
仔細看過之後,發現那個小點其實是一大群企鵝,大約有一千隻。 他們一起生活在冰上,捕魚餵養企鵝寶寶。

The scientists are happy. There are fewer and fewer emperor penguins every year, so it's good news to find more.

Now scientists can study this wildlife, all thanks to the satellite photos!


  1. mountain 山
    The TV says it's snowing up on Hehuanshan! 電視說合歡山正在下雪!
    Can we go up there now, please? 我們可以現在上去嗎,拜託?
    Now? It's an icy mountain road! 現在?那可是結冰的山路!
    I have to get ready. 我得要準備。

  2. mean 意思
    You mean we can't go up now? 你的意思是我們現在不能上山?
    I mean we can't do that today. 我意思是我們今天沒辦法上山。

  3. ice 冰
    There's so much ice on the road! 馬路上好多地方結冰了。
    I know. I told you it's not easy. 我知道。我就跟你說這不容易。

  4. take photos 拍照
    But it's so beautiful! 但是風景真好!
    I want to take photos of this snow! 我要拍這些雪景!

mountain 山
mean 意思
ice 冰
take photos 拍照


  1. Where do emperor penguins live?
    A: Australia
    B: Antarctica
    C: America

  2. What did scientists use to find the penguins?
    A: A satellite
    B: A submarine
    C: A soccer ball

  3. What day is today?
    A: Icy Cold Day
    B: Happy Penguin Day
    C: World Wildlife Day


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C