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A Washing Machine for Humans

A Washing Machine for Humans

News For Kids

2023/01/03 | 00:05:08 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Do you sometimes not feel like taking a shower?

Wouldn't it be nice if there was some kind of machine that could clean your body?

Imagine this: You get into a machine that looks like a big bathtub.

You turn it on, sit back and relax, and 15 minutes later, you're done.

Oh, and the machine also dries your hair and your body.

You don't have to do anything!

Doesn't that sound amazing?

Well, here's the best part: it's real!

A company in Japan is making washing machines for humans!

It's going to be really high-tech!

The human washing machine will have a super smart computer that knows how to heat water, so it's not too hot and not too cold… just perfect for you.

The company wants you to feel calm and relaxed when you are in the human washing machine, so it plays music while it cleans you!

What do you think?

Would you like a bath in a human washing machine?


  1. machine 機器
    I'm so tired today. 我今天好累。
    If only I had a washing machine to wash me! 要是有機器來給我洗澡就好了!
    There is such a machine, you know. 是有這種機器。

  2. wash 洗
    So I just step in the bathtub and do nothing? 所以我只要踏進澡盆,什麼都不用做?
    Yeah, the machine can even wash your hair. 沒錯,機器甚至可以幫你洗頭髮。

  3. dry 吹乾
    And then it will dry your hair and body. 然後它會吹乾你的頭髮和身體。
    Will it put on my pajamas for me? 它會幫我穿上睡衣嗎?
    You're asking too much, Paz! 你要求太多了!

  4. perfect 完美的
    No, I just want a perfect machine. 不,我只是想要個完美的機器。
    All I need to do is lie down and sleep. 我就只需要躺下來睡覺。
    machine 機器
    wash 洗
    dry 吹乾
    perfect 完美的


  1. Where is the human washing machine company based?
    A: Iran
    B: Kazakhstan
    C: Japan

  2. How long will the machine take to wash a human?
    A: 50 minutes
    B: 115 minutes
    C: 15 minutes

  3. What does the human washing machine look like?
    A: A big bicycle
    B: A big fishbowl
    C: A big bathtub


  1. C
  2. C
  3. C