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Grandpas in Japan Play Soccer

Grandpas in Japan Play Soccer

News For Kids

2023/05/31 | 00:05:15 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


My grandpa watches soccer on TV. But some grandpas in Japan play soccer!

Japan has a new soccer league. It's called Soccer For Life. The league has three teams. They are called White Bears, Red Star, and Blue Hawaii. All of the players are 80 years old… and older!

Mr. Shiozawa is the oldest player. He's 93! Mr. Shiozawa loves to play soccer. He's the goalkeeper for White Bears.

Mr. Shiozawa has a big job! He tries to stop the ball from going into the goal. He uses his body to stop the ball. He can use his hands to stop it too! When he stops the ball, the other team cannot get a point!
Shiozawa 是用身體或是手阻擋球踢進球門,阻止對手得分。

Mr. Shiozawa needs a lot of energy for soccer. Energy lets him run, play, and kick. Mr. Shiozawa wanted more energy. How did he get it? He stopped smoking! Now Mr. Shiozawa runs in his office and he runs on the soccer field. He plays practice matches. He plays matches with the other teams. He has a lot of energy!

Mr. Shiozawa plays soccer at 93 years old! Good for you, Mr. Shiozawa! Soccer for life!


  1. soccer match 足球賽
    I can't wait for the next World Cup. 我等不及下一屆世界盃了。
    It's more than 3 years away, Paz! 要等三年多呢!
    I know. Don't you miss those fun soccer matches? 我知道,你不會想念那些好玩的足球賽嗎?

  2. player 球員
    I miss all the handsome players. 我想念那些帥哥球員。
    Jane, you have to see how they play the game. 你得看他們怎麼打球。
    I did! 我有啊!

  3. goalkeeper 守門員
    I like watching the goalkeeper doing his job. 我喜歡看守門員守球門。

  4. star 明星
    Right, and he's often the team's star. 對,而且他通常是全隊的明星。
    That's why I like him. 這是為什麼我喜歡他。

soccer match 足球賽
player 球員
goalkeeper 守門員
star 明星


  1. What team is Mr. Shiozawa on?
    A: White Bears
    B: Red Star
    C: Blue Hawaii

  2. How old are the soccer players on these teams?
    A: 20 to 25
    B: 80 and older
    C: 90 to 140

  3. How did Mr. Shiozawa get more energy?
    A: He stopped smoking
    B: He used his hands
    C: He watched TV


  1. A
  2. B
  3. A