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Scientists Grow Plants in Moon Dust

Scientists Grow Plants in Moon Dust

News For Kids

2022/06/24 | 00:05:28 | SoundOn #education

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Today, I want to tell you about a cool thing scientists have done. They grew plants in moon dust, on Earth!

They used dust that was taken from the moon many years ago.

It took the scientists 11 years to get the moon dust! That's a long time. But they only got a very small amount, just a few teaspoons.

That's because there's not much moon dust on Earth, which makes it really precious.

The scientists didn't know if plants could grow in moon dust. Moon dust is very different from soil on Earth. It doesn't have many nutrients, which plants need to grow big and strong.

But the plants still grew!

This is really exciting! Why? Well, some day, people may live on the moon. They will need food to eat. This shows that people can grow plants in moon dust.

Would you like to live on the moon someday? Maybe you could have a garden full of flowers outside your moon house! All thanks to moon dust.


  1. dust 灰塵
    I wonder what plants scientists grew in moon dust. 我想知道科學家在月球土裡種什麼。
    It's a kind of vegetable. 是一種蔬菜。

  2. soil 泥土
    Wow, so people can really grow food on the moon! 哇,所以人類真的可以在月球上種糧食!
    I guess so. But soil on the moon is not as rich. 我想是。不過月球上的泥土沒有那麼多養分。

  3. grow 生長,種植
    Plants would grow more slowly. 植物會長得比較慢。
    Okay, so we can't grow watermelon. 對,所以沒辦法種大西瓜。
    Probably not. 可能不行。

  4. precious 珍貴的
    What's your most precious memories of summer vacation? 你最珍貴的暑假回憶是什麼?
    Traveling to Kenting Park with my children. 跟我的小孩去墾丁公園旅行。

dust 灰塵
soil 泥土
grow 生長,種植
precious 珍貴的


  1. Where did the scientists grow the plants?
    A: On Earth
    B: On the moon
    C: In a rocket

  2. Why couldn't the scientists use much moon dust?
    A: They lost some of the moon dust
    B: The moon dust is so old
    C: There is not much moon dust on Earth

  3. Why did scientists want to grow plants in moon dust?
    A: They taste better than plants on Earth
    B: People may live on the moon one day
    C: Plants grown in moon dust grow better


  1. A
  2. C
  3. B