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Bird Changes Colors as it Exercises

Bird Changes Colors as it Exercises

News For Kids

2022/05/23 | 00:05:37 | SoundOn #education

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What color are flamingos? Pink, right?

Well, actually, when they are born, flamingos are gray. The food they eat changes the color of their feathers to pink.

Another bird that changes color because of what they eat is called the Crossbill. It eats red berries and so its feathers also turn red.

But scientists in Spain looked at some crossbills and said, "Hey, why is that bird more red than that other Crossbill bird?"

So, they studied the birds and found out that only the male Crossbills got redder.

Then… the scientists saw that the male Crossbills that were flying the most… got redder than the other male Crossbills.

That means that the male Crossbills that exercise the most, become the most red! It's not only the food they eat that makes them red, but also how much exercise they do!

The male Crossbill shows how strong it is by flying more, and that exercise makes them redder. That's how they show they could be a good daddy!

Cool! Hmm… maybe I'm like a Crossbill! I turn red when I exercise too!

Birds need exercise to stay strong… and so do we! Even if it also makes you turn a little red.


1) color 顏色
Pink and red are beautiful colors. 粉紅色跟紅色都是漂亮的顏色。
Are you going to change your hair color again? 你又要變頭髮顏色了嗎?
Yeah, how do you like red hair? 對啊,你覺得紅色頭髮怎麼樣?

2) feather 羽毛
The bird has bright yellow feathers. 那隻鳥有亮黃色的羽毛。
It really looks amazing! 看起來真搶眼!
But it's only for this season. 但是只有這個季節才有。

3) most 最
The bird that flies the most is the strongest. 飛最多的鳥最強壯。
I don't fly, but I run. 我不飛,但是我跑步。

4) turn 變成
Shrimps are turning red! 蝦子變成紅色了。
That's because you're cooking them. 這是因為你在煮牠。
I know, but they're changing so fast. 我知道,但是牠們變得好快!

Let's read these words together.
color 顏色
feather 羽毛
most 最
turn 變成


  1. What is the name of the bird in the story?
    A: The Crossfit
    B: The Crosseye
    C: The Crossbill

  2. Why are these birds red?
    A: They eat red things, and their food turns their feathers red
    B: They paint themselves red
    C: They eat red birds, so they turn red too

  3. Why are some of the male birds more red?
    A: They eat more red food
    B: They sleep more
    C: They exercise more


  1. C
  2. A
  3. C