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China Limits Kids' Video Game Time

China Limits Kids' Video Game Time

News For Kids

2021/10/11 | 00:05:34 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


That's my alarm clock! 我的鬧鐘響了!

Oh no! I was playing video games for so long that I forgot to sleep! And now the sun is shining, the birds are singing… it's morning! I played video games all night! 天啊!我玩電動玩了一整個晚上!

I guess video games is a problem for a lot of kids in China, too, because a lot of parents in China say their kids are playing too many video games.

The parents say too much time staring at screens is bad for their kids' health. 中國的父母說小孩玩太多電動遊戲,而且一直盯著螢幕看對身體很不健康。

I guess they want their kids to spend more time playing outdoors. 他們大概想要小孩多多到戶外去玩。

The government in China is planning to do something about this.

They are going to stop kids who are younger than 18 years old from playing video games on weekdays. Weekdays are Mondays through Fridays. 18歲以下的人,星期一到星期五不能打電動。

Kids can play video games on the weekends, but only for three hours. 到了週末小孩可以玩,但只能打三個小時。

I don't think anything like that will happen in Taiwan… 台灣應該不會發生這種事情。

But we should really try to control ourselves… don't be like me and forget to go to sleep. 要去上班了,我完蛋了。


兒童打電動太入迷怎麼辦? 中國的做法是規定只有週末才能玩。

  1. Weekend 週末。
    Weekends are my favorite time! 週末是我最喜歡的時間。
    They are not mine. I prefer weekdays. 對我來說不是。我比較喜歡平日。

  2. Weekday 平日。
    I have too much housework to do on the weekend. 我週末有太多家事要做。
    Maybe you should do some of it on weekdays. 也許你應該在平日做一些。

  3. A lot of 許多。
    A lot of students go to cram schools on the weekend. 很多學生週末去補習班。
    I don't. I play video games. 我不去,我打電動。

  4. Go to sleep 去睡覺。
    You do go to sleep at night, right? 你晚上還是會睡覺,對吧?
    Yes, but usually after midnight. 對,不過通常在午夜以後。

We use these words all the time.

weekend 週末
weekday 平日
a lot of 許多
go to sleep 去睡覺


  1. What do parents say kids in China are doing too much?
    a. Eating junk food
    b. Playing video games
    c. Sleeping

  2. What is the Chinese government going to do?
    a. Stop kids from playing too many video games
    b. Tell kids to play more video games
    c. Tell parents to play video games

  3. Will kids be allowed to play on weekdays?
    a. Yes
    b. No
    c. Yes, but only if they finish their homework first


  1. B
  2. A
  3. B