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The Oldest Meal Ever

The Oldest Meal Ever

News For Kids

2022/12/26 | 00:05:10 | SoundOn #education

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Do you like to eat leftovers? 你喜歡吃剩菜嗎?

Maybe your dad made dinner yesterday and put it in the fridge. Or maybe you have eaten a meal from two days ago, or even three days ago.

What about a meal from seventy thousand years ago?

In fact, scientists recently found a meal like that. They discovered it in a cave in Iraq, and they say it's the oldest cooked meal they've ever found.

The scientists studied the meal, to learn what food people cooked so long ago. They found the meal was made of seeds.

How was it cooked? The people who made it used rocks to mash the seeds. Then, they boiled the seeds in water to make a pancake.

Was that pancake good? To find out, the scientists tried to make the same meal. They took seeds from near the cave and used the same recipe.

In the end, their meal was delicious! It tasted like nuts. The only problem? It was hard to chew!

Before this discovery, we had no idea the art of cooking was so old.

Now that we've found the oldest meal ever, we have to ask… what else did people know seventy thousand years ago?


  1. dinner 晚餐
    What's for dinner? 晚飯吃什麼?
    Uh, I don't feel like cooking tonight. 我今晚不想煮飯。
    I'll just have yogurt with nuts. 我就吃優格配堅果。
    Yuck! I can't eat that. 真難吃,我不能吃那些。

  2. leftover 剩下的
    There's some leftover pizza in the fridge. 冰箱裡還有剩下的披薩。
    Pizza is good. Pizza could make a nice meal with a salad. 披薩好,加上沙拉就是很好的一餐。
    I'm sure there's no salad. 我確定沒有沙拉。

  3. pancake 煎餅,鬆餅
    Let me check. 我來看看。
    Here's a pancake! 這裡有個鬆餅!
    Yeah, I forgot the pancake. 對耶,我都忘了有鬆餅。

  4. recipe 食譜
    And you promised to give me the recipe. 你還答應要給我食譜的。
    I did, didn't I? 可不是嗎?

dinner 晚餐
leftover 剩下的,剩菜
pancake 煎餅,鬆餅
recipe 食譜


  1. What was the oldest meal ever?
    A: a salad
    B: a sandwich
    C: a pancake

  2. How old was that meal?
    A: 700 years
    B: 70,000 years
    C: 7,000,000 years

  3. Where did scientists find that meal?
    A: Iraq
    B: China
    C: India


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A