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Plant that Eats Bugs

Plant that Eats Bugs

News For Kids

2021/09/06 | 00:05:31 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Can you think of some things that eat bugs?

Well, frogs eat bugs. Spiders eat bugs. Lizards also eat bugs.

But did you know that there are certain plants that also eat bugs? 你知道植物也能吃昆蟲嗎?

In fact, there are a lot of different plants that eat bugs, and scientists just discovered a new one! 科學家又找到了一種會吃昆蟲的植物!

Don't worry, this plant doesn't have legs, so it can't chase you. 不用擔心,它沒辦法追你。It also does not have a mouth, so it doesn't bite. 它也沒有嘴巴,所以沒辦法咬你。

This new plant actually has sticky hairs on its stems. Plant stems are the long part connected to the flower. These sticky hairs on the stems help trap small bugs and insects.

After the plant traps the bugs, it eats them. Then the bugs become part of the plant. 被黏住之後,蟲蟲就被植物"吃"掉了! Isn't that amazing?

By eating bugs, the plant can get extra special food that it can't get from water or the dirt. Yum!

What do you think? Would you ever eat a bug?



  1. Plant 植物。
    I don't like bug-eating plants. 我不喜歡吃昆蟲的植物。
    I think they're weird. 我覺得它們怪怪的。
    I agree. They look scary. 我同意。它們看起來很可怕。

  2. Flower 花朵。
    Look at those beautiful flowers! 你看那些漂亮的花!
    Wow, I didn't know there was a flower garden here. 哇,我不知道這裡有個花園!

  3. Eat 吃。
    Did you know that rabbits eat flowers? 你知道兔子會吃花朵嗎?
    Really? I thought they only eat carrots. 真的嗎? 我還以為牠們只吃胡蘿蔔。

  4. Insect 昆蟲。
    Ryan, which is your favorite insect? 萊恩,你最喜歡的昆蟲是什麼?
    I liked beetles when I was a boy. 我小時候喜歡甲蟲。
    How about you? 你呢?
    I like butterflies. 我喜歡蝴蝶。


plant 植物
flower 花朵
eat 吃
insect 昆蟲


  1. What is eating bugs in this story?
    A. People
    B. Dogs
    C. Plants

  2. How does this plant trap bugs?
    A. With sticky hairs
    B. By biting them
    C. By using a net

  3. What does the plant get from eating bugs?
    A. Extra powers
    B. Extra nutrients
    C. Extra sunlight


  1. C
  2. A
  3. B