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The Smallest Rabbit in the World

The Smallest Rabbit in the World

News For Kids

2023/03/01 | 00:05:04 | SoundOn #education

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Let me tell you about the smallest rabbit in the world. It can actually fit in the palms of your mom or dad's hands!

Scientists say the smallest rabbit in the world lives in just one part of America, and about 20 years ago, scientists thought they were all gone. Yeah! They thought the tiny rabbit was extinct… Like the dinosaurs! Gone, forever!

But, they found 14 of these tiny rabbits, and they took them to a special zoo. The scientists worked very hard, and now these tiny rabbits are back in the wild. Cool, right?

Some people see this super tiny rabbit and they want to get one, they think it would be a great pet. But actually, this cute little bunny is not a good pet. It is very small, so it gets scared very easily. To this rabbit, a human must look like a scary giant!

So, no. We shouldn't have them as pets, but we can be very happy that scientists found a way to save them.

I hope these little bunnies have a happy life in the wild, and that we can see them on earth for a long, long time!

Good luck, tiny rabbit!


  1. actually 實際上
    How's the zoo? 動物園如何啊?
    It's big and has lots of animals. 很大,有很多動物。
    Are they cute? 動物可愛嗎?
    Actually most of them are not.其實大部分都不可愛。

  2. tiny 很小的
    But I love those tiny rabbits. 但是我很喜歡那些小兔子。
    They are even smaller than a mouse. 牠們甚至比老鼠還小。
    It's just amazing! 滿驚人的。

  3. pet 寵物
    They could be good pets, too. 牠們也可以當好寵物。
    No, I'm done keeping pets. 不了,我不養寵物了。

  4. fit 適合
    They don't fit my lifestyle. 牠們不適合我的生活方式。
    You're right. Your house is too small. 說得對,你的房子太小了。

actually 實際上
tiny 很小的
pet 寵物
fit 適合


  1. What is the story about?
    A: The world's smallest scientist
    B: The world's biggest rabbit
    C: The world's smallest rabbit

  2. What almost happened to the tiny rabbits?
    A: They almost went extinct
    B: They almost went to the moon
    C: They almost got much bigger

  3. Why are tiny rabbits NOT good pets?
    A: They eat too much
    B: They will bite you
    C: They get scared very easily


  1. C
  2. A
  3. C