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Marz Ketchup

Marz Ketchup

News For Kids

2021/12/07 | 00:05:28 | SoundOn #education

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Yeah… A little more… All right!

Oh, hi. Sorry! I'm just putting a little tomato ketchup on my hot dog. Wait, you didn't think… no! Eww! It was ketchup! I love ketchup! 我愛番茄醬!

You know who else usually loves ketchup? Astronauts!

A lot of the food they bring to space is dried and flavorless, so ketchup and other sauces can help make it taste better.

Maybe one day they'll even be able to make ketchup in space, on Mars.

Yep! Scientists have created a special type of ketchup called Marz Ketchup.

They made it using tomatoes grown here on earth. But they used conditions like those on Mars! The conditions on Mars are very different to Earth. The soil, temperature, and water conditions are all different.

But they could still grow tomatoes, they could still make ketchup, and it still tasted good!

Cool! Maybe one day, when people do go to Mars, the one thing they won't have to pack is ketchup!


  1. Flavor 味道。
    I don't like the flavor of this ketchup. 我不喜歡這個蕃茄醬的味道。
    What's wrong with it? 它有什麼問題?
    It has an artificial flavor. 它有一股人工的味道。

  2. Grow 種植。
    Can we grow tomatoes on Mars? 我們可以在火星上種番茄嗎?
    I don't know. 我不知道。
    But the movie "The Martian" says we can grow potatoes on Mars. 不過電影[絕地救援]說我們可以在火星上種馬鈴薯。

  3. Mars 火星。
    Did you know that Mars is smaller than Earth? 你知道火星比地球小嗎?
    I do. Earth is twice the size of Mars. 我知道,地球是火星兩倍大。

  4. Different 不同的。
    The two planets are very different. 這兩個行星很不一樣。
    Right, as different as oranges and bananas. 就像橘子跟香蕉那樣不同。

Would you like to taste Marz ketchup?
flavor 味道
grow 種植
Mars 火星
different 不同的


  1. What sauce is the story about?
    A: Mustard
    B: Mayonnaise
    C: Ketchup

  2. Which of these ingredients are used to make this sauce?
    A: Bananas
    B: Tomatoes
    C: Potatoes

  3. What planet's conditions were used to grow this ingredient?
    A: Conditions like those on Earth
    B: Conditions like those on Mars
    C: Conditions like those on Jupiter


  1. C
  2. B
  3. B