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Taiwan Celebrates Its National Day

Taiwan Celebrates Its National Day

News For Kids

2022/10/10 | 00:05:37 | SoundOn #education

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Hi students! Today is a special day for Taiwan. It's Double 10 Day, also called Taiwan's National Day.

October 10th in Taiwan is a day of parades. Military jets fly over people's heads. And at night, people get to see great fireworks.

Almost every country in the world has a national day. There are only two countries that don't have a national day. One of those countries is Denmark. The other is Great Britain.

Some countries even have more than one national day each year.

Ukraine has 3 national days: in January, July, and August!

What are some other national days? For Americans, it's July 4th. July 4th celebrates when America became independent. Before that, America was part of England. July 4th is also called Independence Day.

July 1st is Canada's national day. This national day is called Canada Day. It celebrates the date that Canada became a country, on July 1, 1867.

Taiwan's national day is different from America's or Canada's. But they all have fireworks!


  1. national 國家的
    What do Americans do on their National Day? 美國人在國慶日都做什麼?
    They usually get together and barbecue. 他們通常會聚會烤肉。

  2. country 國家
    Every country should celebrate its birthday. 每個國家都應該慶祝生日。
    I think most countries do. 我想大部分國家都會的。

  3. fireworks show 煙火秀
    My favorite National Day event is the fireworks show. 我最喜歡的國慶活動是煙火秀。
    Me too! The show is magical. 我也是。煙火秀很神奇的。

  4. October 十月。
    I love October. 我喜歡十月。
    Because of the Double Ten Day? 因為雙十節嗎?
    No, because the weather is the best in October. 不是,是因為十月天氣最好。

national 國家的
country 國家
fireworks show 煙火秀
October 十月


  1. Which is true?
    A: All countries have national days
    B: Some countries have more than one national day
    C: No countries have national days

  2. Why is Denmark mentioned?
    A: It has two national days
    B: It does not have a national day
    C: It has the same national day as America

  3. Which country's national day is July 1st?
    A: Canada
    B: The United States
    C: Denmark


  1. B
  2. B
  3. A