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A Goal to Protect 30% of Earth

A Goal to Protect 30% of Earth

News For Kids

2023/01/18 | 00:05:12 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Do you have a goal? Most people have goals in life. That means they know what they want.

The best goal is a clear goal. If you know exactly what you want, it is easier to get.

Recently, all the countries in the world had a big meeting called COP15 ("cop fifteen"). Their goal was to solve a problem.
一百多個國家的代表最近聚集在一起,參加 COP15聯合國生物多樣性大會。 他們的目標是解決一個問題。

Every year, more kinds of plants and animals are lost forever. It is one of Earth's biggest problems. We need to act soon.

To deal with this problem, the countries set a clearer goal. They call it "Thirty by Thirty". That means they want to protect 30% of Earth's nature by the year 2030.
為了解決這個問題,各國設定更清楚的目標。他們稱之為「三十乘三十」。 意思是他們希望2030年之前保護地球30%的自然環境。

That sounds like something we can really do! Now we only have a few years to reach the goal, so all the countries on Earth must work together.
這聽起來是我們真的可以做的事情! 現在我們只有幾年的時間來實現這個目標,所以地球上的所有國家都必須共同努力。

They have a clear goal… do you have one?


  1. life 人生
    Do you know what you want in life? 你知道你的人生想要什麼嗎?
    Yes, very clearly. 知道,很清楚。

  2. want 想要
    I want to always eat good food, live in a nice house and have lots of clothes. 我想要總是吃美食,住好房子,有很多衣服。
    You're right. 你說對了。
    You do know what you want. 你確實知道想要什麼。

  3. easier 比較容易的
    How about you? 你呢?
    Well, I'd like to have an easier job. 我想要有個比較輕鬆的工作。
    That sounds like a good idea. 聽起來是個好主意。

  4. together 一起
    But what kind of job? 但是哪種工作呢?
    A job like watching TV together with my family. 比如說家人一起看電視。
    What?! 什麼啊?!
    You can't make money that way! 這樣賺不到錢!

life 人生
want 想要
easier 比較容易的
together 一起


  1. What kind of goal is best?
    A: A big goal
    B: A clear goal
    C: A fast goal

  2. What did the countries in COP15 want to protect?
    A: Cops
    B: Money
    C: Nature

  3. How much of Earth did they set a goal to protect?
    A: 15%
    B: 30%
    C: 60%


  1. B
  2. C
  3. B