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Space Junk Crashes into the Moon

Space Junk Crashes into the Moon

News For Kids

2022/04/04 | 00:05:34 | SoundOn #education

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You may have heard of space junk falling back to Earth, but have you ever heard of space junk crashing into the moon?

I hadn't… until recently! According to some reports, in early March, a leftover piece of junk from a space rocket crashed into the moon!

Researchers say the piece of junk may have created a new crater on the moon that could be up to almost twenty meters wide. That is a very big crater.

This, of course, was not supposed to happen… but there is so much human-made stuff in outer space now, some of it is going to crash into other things. Other things like… the moon!

Some researchers think that the piece of junk that crashed into the moon is from a Chinese rocket, but… they can't say for sure.

It's really hard to keep track of the floating garbage in space. It's also hard to know where the hundreds of pieces originally came from.

But one thing is for sure, people are creating too much garbage… so much that we're not just creating pollution on Earth, but we're polluting outer space, and also polluting our moon!


  1. Crash 撞擊,墜毀
    The space junk will crash into the Pacific Ocean! 太空垃圾會撞進太平洋!
    That's not too bad. 那不算糟糕。
    Nobody lives in the ocean. 沒有人住在海洋裡。
    But there could be a tsunami! 但是可能有海嘯!

  2. Human-made 人造的
    What's that floating in the river? 那個浮在河裡的東西是什麼?
    I think it's human-made garbage.我覺得是人造垃圾。

  3. Create 創造
    Humans create so much garbage! 人類創造好多垃圾!
    They also create a lot of CO2. 他們也創造好多二氧化碳。

  4. Sure 確定的
    One thing is for sure. 有一點是確定的。
    Humans don't want to change. 人們不想要改變。
    I'm not sure about that. 這我不確定。

crash 撞擊
human-made 人造的
create 創造
sure 確定的


  1. What kind of junk is mentioned in this story?
    a. Space junk
    b. Ocean junk
    c. Mountain junk

  2. Where did the piece of junk crash into?
    a. 20 meters wide
    b. 20 kilometers wide
    c. 20 centimeters

  3. How wide was the crater that this piece of junk created?
    a. 20 meters wide
    b. 20 kilometers wide
    c. 20 centimeters wide


  1. A
  2. C
  3. A