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New Flying Car Coming Soon

New Flying Car Coming Soon

News For Kids

2022/09/29 | 00:05:37 | SoundOn #education

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Hey students! Do you know what's cool? Flying cars! They can drive on roads like regular cars. But they have wings that let them fly in the air, too!

Today, I want to talk about a company called Samson. Samson wants to make a flying car called the Switchblade. When the car flies, the wings swing out from under the car. They fold back when it is on the road, so the wings are hidden.

The Switchblade has just three wheels, not four. But it can go really fast, like a sports car. On land, it can travel 200 kilometers an hour. In the air, it can go even faster… 305 kilometers an hour!

The Switchblade also comes with a parachute. If the motor stops in the air, the parachute will come out. Then the car can just float down to the ground.

It would be great to have a flying car! I would no longer get stuck in traffic jams.

But it would be expensive, more than $4 million NT!

I don't think I can pay for that. I guess I'll just have to keep taking the MRT.


  1. wing 翅膀
    My God! That's not a plane in the air. 天哪,那架在空中的不是飛機。
    It's a car! 是汽車!
    And it has two wings! 它並且還有兩隻翅膀!

  2. fold 折疊
    It's folding back the wings now. 它現在把翅膀收起來了。
    How amazing! 真驚人!
    Wings that can come out and fold back. 翅膀可以打開,收起來。

  3. ground 地面
    Now it's touching the ground. 現在它碰到地面了。
    Let's go take a look. 我們過去瞧瞧。
    Hey, I can't run so fast! 我沒辦法跑那麼快!

  4. wheel 車輪
    See, it's only got 3 wheels. 你看,它只有三個輪子。
    Yeah, one wheel under the nose, and 2 in the back. 對,一個在鼻子下面,兩個在後面。
    It really looks like a toy! 真像個玩具呢!

wing 翅膀
fold 摺疊
ground 地面
wheel 車輪


  1. Where are the wings of the Switchblade hidden?
    A: On top of the car
    B: On the sides of the car
    C: Under the car

  2. How fast can the Switchblade travel on land?
    A: 305 kilometers an hour
    B: 400 kilometers an hour
    C: 200 kilometers an hour

  3. How many wheels will the Switchblade have?
    A: 2
    B: 3
    C: 4


  1. C
  2. C
  3. B