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Town Builds Houses Under Big Rock

Town Builds Houses Under Big Rock

News For Kids

2023/05/25 | 00:05:13 | SoundOn #education

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Do you like to look at buildings? There are many interesting buildings in the world. Taipei 101 is interesting. It is so tall!

One small town in Spain has some very cool buildings. This small town is called Setenil de las Bodegas. It is home to 3000 people. They have houses built in caves! And some houses have been built under very, very big rocks. Why did people build them?

First, the houses did not take much money to build. Rock is a big part of each house, it's the walls and the roof! People didn't need to buy much wood and other material. They made the caves bigger. They made some walls for new rooms.

Second, rock makes the houses comfortable. Comfortable?! Yes! It makes the houses cool in the summer… and warm in the winter.

Third, rock makes the houses safe. Rock doesn't catch on fire. It is also very strong. The houses won't fall down in an earthquake.

What do you think? These houses don't cost a lot of money to build. They're not too hot. They're not too cold. They're safe. And they're very interesting! Do you want to live in a house built in a cave?


  1. rock 石頭
    We went on an outing yesterday and walked through this lovely rock tunnel. 我們昨天去郊遊,走過一條可愛的石頭隧道。
    Rock tunnel? Where? 石頭隧道? 在哪裡?

  2. roof 屋頂
    It's in Rui-fang, New Taipei. 在新北市的瑞芳。
    It's an old railway tunnel. 它是個舊的鐵路隧道。
    The roof and walls are all stone. 屋頂跟牆壁都是石頭。

  3. warm 溫暖的
    They give such a warm and cozy feeling! 它們有種很溫暖舒服的感覺。
    Is it long? 很長嗎?
    Yeah, about 3,000 meters long. 很長,大約三千公尺。

  4. cool 涼爽的
    It was hot under the sun, but cool inside the tunnel. 外面太陽底下很熱,但是隧道裡面很涼快。
    Sounds really nice! 聽起來真不錯!

rock 石頭
roof 屋頂
warm 溫暖的
cool 涼爽的


  1. What is the story about?
    A: Some cool buildings
    B: Taipei 101
    C: Earthquakes and fires

  2. What is true about the houses in the summer?
    A: They're hot
    B: They're cool
    C: They're not comfortable

  3. What happens to the houses in an earthquake?
    A: They fall down
    B: They are safe
    C: They catch on fire


  1. A
  2. B
  3. B