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Chang'e, Goddess of the Moon

Chang'e, Goddess of the Moon

News For Kids

2022/09/09 | 00:05:36 | SoundOn #education

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Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, everybody!

Do you know why we eat mooncakes today? It all comes from the old story of Chang'e, Goddess of the Moon…

Chang'e was married to Hou Yi, a famous hero.

Back then there were ten suns in the sky, which made the earth way too hot! So Hou Yi shot nine of them down with his arrows.

The gods gave Hou Yi a magic drink, which could make him live forever! But he didn't want to live forever without his wife, so he did not drink it.

But Chang'e drank the whole thing! Then she flew up to the moon, to live there.

Every night Hou Yi would put all of Chang'e's favorite desserts outside for her to see. She really liked mooncakes! Which is why we still have them at Mid-Autumn festival today.

Everyone tells this story a little differently… In some stories Chang'e has a rabbit, who is her best friend. In others the gods change Chang'e into a big fat ugly toad for stealing!

Which story do you know? Ask your family about it, it'll be fun to tell stories together for Mid-Autumn Festival!


  1. forever 永遠
    Do you believe Chang'e lives there forever? 你相信嫦娥永遠住在那裏嗎?
    No. Do you? 不相信。你呢?
    I'd like to. 我想要相信。

  2. drink 飲料
    Then maybe that magic drink can help you. 那也許長生不老藥可以幫上忙。
    So that I can visit Chang'e some day? 好讓我有一天去看嫦娥嗎?
    Yeah. 是啊。

  3. angry 生氣的
    You look angry. 你看起來在生氣。
    I am angry. 我是生氣。
    They killed my hero in that movie! 他們把電影裡我的英雄弄死了!

  4. hero 英雄
    That man is your hero? 那個男子是你的英雄?
    He's like a toad! 他像癩蛤蟆!
    No, he's nice and kind! 才不呢,他人很好很和善。

forever 永遠
drink 飲料
angry 生氣的
hero 英雄


  1. Who was the Goddess of the Moon's husband?
    A: Hou Yi
    B: A rabbit
    C: A big fat ugly toad

  2. Who drank the magical drink?
    A: Chang'e
    B: The gods
    C: The moon

  3. Why did Chang'e fly to the moon?
    A: For a vacation
    B: To live there
    C: To make mooncakes


  1. A
  2. A
  3. B