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Cat with Bunny Tail

Cat with Bunny Tail

News For Kids

2022/03/24 | 00:05:29 | SoundOn #education

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My cat has a long tail. Sometimes we might see a cat without a tail, but usually, cats have tails, right?

Well, in Japan there is one kind of kitty cat that doesn't have a long tail. Its tail is so short, it looks like the tail of a bunny rabbit! It's called the Japanese Bobtail cat.

Scientists say there have been Japanese Bobtail cats in Japan for maybe 300 or 400 years.

A long time ago, these special cats with no tails had a special job. They helped protect Japan's silkworms from mice and rats.

You can see old paintings in Japan that show the Japanese Bobtail cat, with its super cute tail that looks like a bunny rabbit tail! Awww!

Why does this cat have such a short tail? The answer is DNA.

Sometimes DNA makes small mistakes or changes when DNA is copied to make a new cat, or dog, or monkey, or person.

Today, you can find lots and lots of Japanese Bobtail cats… but mostly only in Japan!


  1. With 有,without 沒有。
    Can you imagine a cat without a long tail? 你能想像沒有長尾巴的貓嗎?
    How will it jump? 牠要怎麼跳呢?
    I think it can jump with a short tail. 我想有短尾巴也可以跳。

  2. Special 特別的。
    The bobtail cat is so special! 短尾貓好特別!
    Yeah, I'd sure like to have one. 對啊,我真想要一隻。
    It's so cute! 牠好可愛!

  3. Protect 保護。
    It can protect you from mice. 牠可以保護你免於老鼠。
    But there are no mice in my house! 可是我家裡沒有老鼠!

  4. Answer 答案。
    So what's your answer? 所以你的答案是什麼?
    What's your question? 你的問題是什麼?
    Do you want to buy a bobtail cat? 你要不要買短尾貓?
    Yes! 要!

with 有
without 沒有
special 特別的
protect 保護
answer 答案


  1. What was the name of the cat in the story?
    A: The Japanese Longtail Cat
    B: The Japanese Bobtail Cat
    C: Hello Kitty

  2. How did these cats help people before?
    A: They helped protect silkworms
    B: They chased away dogs
    C: They made super cute paintings

  3. Why does this Japanese cat have a short tail?
    A: The cats' DNA changed
    B: These cats are half rabbit
    C: The cats think short tails are 'kawaii'!


  1. B
  2. A
  3. A