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Making Arms from Plastic Toys

Making Arms from Plastic Toys

News For Kids

2023/01/05 | 00:05:23 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Do you like to play with plastic bricks? They are fun toys we can use to build things. You can use plastic bricks to build cars, houses, even castles and spaceships.

Now, a man named David is using these toys to build arms.
現在,一個名叫 David 的男生用塑膠積木做了一條手臂!

When David was born, his right arm was much smaller than his left arm. At school, other kids would bully him about his smaller arm. Their words made him feel bad!
David 出生的時候,右邊的手臂比左邊的小很多。他在學校常常被霸凌,讓他很難過。

David's parents wanted to buy him a fake arm, but they were too expensive.

At home, he loved to play with plastic bricks. One day, he had an idea. Could he use these toys to build an arm?
David 喜歡玩塑膠積木。有一天他好奇,塑膠積木能不能做一條手臂?

First, David built a simple arm. It looked cool, but he knew he could do better. So he built another arm, with fingers that could grab things. His new arm was useful!

People were surprised David used toys to build such a great arm. What's more, his new arm was not expensive.
David 的新手臂讓大家都很驚訝。而且新手臂不貴。

David wants to help people like him. So now he builds arms for other people too! And they're not expensive. All thanks to a few tiny plastic bricks!


  1. build 建造
    You built a castle with Lego bricks! 你用樂高積木做了古堡!
    Don't you know I'm good at building things? 你不知道我很會建造東西嗎?

  2. spaceship 太空船
    I know you're good, but this is really something. 我知道你很會,但是這真的不簡單。
    I can even build you a spaceship if you want. 假如你要,我甚至可以做一艘太空船給你。

  3. house 房屋
    I'd prefer a small house. 我更想要一棟小屋。
    A house? Wow! 一棟房子? 哇!
    Yes, with two bedrooms. 對,要有兩個房間。

  4. plastic 塑膠的
    So you plan to live in it? 所以你打算住在裡面?
    No, I plan to have my two dogs live there. 不,我打算讓我的兩隻狗狗住。
    Okay, a plastic brick dog house. 一棟塑膠積木狗屋。

Do you like building things?
build 建造
spaceship 太空船
house 房屋
plastic 塑膠的


  1. Why didn't David's parents buy a fake arm?
    A: It was too expensive
    B: They couldn't find one
    C: David didn't want one

  2. What did David use to make an arm?
    A: Paper toys
    B: Plastic toys
    C: Wooden toys

  3. How did people feel about David's new arm?
    A: Sad
    B: Bored
    C: Surprised


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C