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Rubber Ducks Race Through Chicago

Rubber Ducks Race Through Chicago

News For Kids

2022/09/05 | 00:05:31 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Hi there! Today is the International Day of Charity.

Charity is when people do things to help the causes they care about. Maybe you want to look after sick people, or help stop global warming, or help save animals…

Good causes around the world need all kinds of charity. Some people need help making money, to pay for things that help people. This is called "fundraising".
Fundraising 就是募款,有一些人會募款幫助其他的人。

Last month there was a big charity fundraising event in the USA, called the "Chicago Ducky Derby"!

Anyone who wanted to take part had to pay for a toy duck first.

75,005 toy ducks were thrown into the river, and they made lots of money for charity!

They were raising money for a charity called the 'Special Olympics', which helps people with learning difficulties take part in sports.

It's a great charity, because it helps people get active, feel good, and make lots of new friends!

Would you like to help a charity too? Think about some causes that you care about, and have a look online. Charities always need help, and helping others makes you feel really great too!


  1. take part 參加
    I want to take part in this race. 我要參加這個比賽。
    What? A race of ducks? 什麼啊,鴨子比賽?
    Yeah, I pay for the ducks. 對啊,我替鴨子付錢。

  2. pay 付錢
    So you don't run. 所以你不跑。
    You pay for the ducks to run. 你給錢讓鴨子跑。
    No, the ducks swim. 不是跑,鴨子游泳。

  3. charity 慈善
    They swim for charity. 牠們為了做善事而游泳。
    What kind of charity? 哪一種善事?
    A charity for protecting animals.是保護動物慈善團體。

  4. raise money 募款
    You raise money for animals by making ducks swim? 你們讓鴨子游泳來替動物募款?
    Yeah, sort of. 算是吧。
    They are good swimmers, you know. 牠們很會游泳呢。

take part 參加
pay 付錢
charity 慈善
raise money 募款


  1. What holiday is today?
    A: Halloween
    B: New Year's Day
    C: The International Day of Charity

  2. How many ducks were racing in the Chicago Ducky Derby?
    A: 5
    B: 75,000
    C: 75,005

  3. What were all the ducks racing on?
    A: A road
    B: A river
    C: A giant's foot


  1. C
  2. C
  3. B