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Indian Man Grows Taiwanese Guava

Indian Man Grows Taiwanese Guava

News For Kids

2023/01/10 | 00:05:17 | SoundOn #education

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Do you like to eat guava? It's a green fruit that grows on a tree. I'm eating some right now. Delicious! Guava is popular in Taiwan, but people in India also eat it.

In fact, an Indian farmer named Kapil is thankful for Taiwanese guava. This fruit has made his farm successful.
有一位叫 Kapil 的印度農夫很感謝台灣的芭樂,因為芭樂讓他的農場大獲成功。

Kapil used to work at a big city bank. When COVID-19 came to India, Kapil lost his job. He had to go home to his family's village.
Kapil 本來在銀行工作,但是在疫情時丟掉了工作,只好回到家鄉。

He could not find another job, so he decided to grow fruit. Some people said he couldn't grow fruit, because the weather was too dry. But Kapil wanted to try anyway.

He found a company that sold baby guava trees from Taiwan. He learned this kind of fruit tree does not need much water, so it can grow in dry places. It was the perfect choice for Kapil.

He planted the baby trees and watched them grow. Finally, he harvested the guava. His fruit was super tasty! He sold the fruit and made good money.

These days, Kapil is a successful farmer. His guava fruit are popular in that part of India. He says Taiwan guavas changed his life.


  1. fruit 水果
    I need some green plants in my room. 我房間裡需要一些綠色植物。
    Have you tried fruit trees? 你有試過放果樹嗎?

  2. grow 種植
    No, are they easy to grow? 沒有,它們好種嗎?
    Some of them are. 有些很好種。
    They can grow well even in dry places. 就算在乾燥的地方也長得很好。

  3. successful 成功的
    We're in Taipei. It's usually wet. 我們在台北,經常很潮濕。
    You're right. 你是對的。
    Then you should be successful in growing them. 那你種果樹應該會成功。

  4. try 嘗試
    Hmmm, what should I grow? 種什麼好呢?
    I suggest you try blueberries. 我建議你試試看藍莓。
    Because you love them. 因為你喜歡藍莓。
    Of course. 當然。

Do you like eating fruit?
fruit 水果
grow 種植
successful 成功的
try 嘗試


  1. Where does Kapil live?
    A: Vietnam
    B: Taiwan
    C: India

  2. What caused Kapil to lose his bank job?
    A: Dry weather
    B: COVID-19
    C: His boss

  3. Why did Kapil choose to grow Taiwanese guava?
    A: They grow faster
    B: They are greener
    C: They need less water


  1. C
  2. B
  3. C