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Woman Moves House By Boat

Woman Moves House By Boat

News For Kids

2021/11/22 | 00:05:33 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Hey kids! Have you ever wanted something a lot? Maybe you really wanted a toy or a video game.

Well, today I want to tell you a story about a woman in Canada named Daniele who really wanted to buy a cute, green house. But the owner of the green house she wanted said he wanted to tear it down.

So, what did Daniele do? She bought the green house and moved it.

Usually, when people move a house, they do it over land… But they couldn't move Daniele's green house over land.

So, they put it in the ocean and used boats to move it. Wow! They used six boats to push and pull the house on water.

Daniele was really worried that the house would sink in the water, and it almost did! One corner of the house fell in the water, but the boats saved it. Finally, they moved the house safely and put it on the land again.

I wish I could have seen the house floating on the ocean!


  1. Move 搬動。
    I'll be moving next weekend. 我下周末要搬家。
    Moving? Where will you move? 搬家?你要搬到哪裡去?
    To Keelung. 去基隆。

  2. Boat 船。
    You got a job in Keelung? 你在基隆找到了工作?
    No, I got a boat there. 不,我在那兒弄到了一艘船。
    So you plan to live on your boat? 所以你打算住在船上?
    No, silly, I'll still live on land. 別傻了,我還是住在陸地上。

  3. Ocean 海洋。
    My new house is close to the ocean. 我的新家離海洋很近。
    I can go fishing on my boat anytime. 我可以隨時搭船去釣魚。

  4. Land 陸地。
    I prefer to stay on land. 我比較想待在陸地上。
    I often get seasick on the ocean. 我在海上經常會暈船。
    Not me.我不會。

Let's read the words together.
move 搬動
boat 船
ocean 海洋
land 陸地


  1. What is this story about?
    A: A woman who lives on a boat
    B: A woman whose house was moved by boat
    C: A woman who lost her home

  2. What did the boats in the story do?
    A: Move the house
    B: Lift the house with big machines
    C: Save Daniele from drowning

  3. Why was Daniele worried?
    A: She thought her new home might sink.
    B: She thought the boats would crash.
    C: She thought she couldn't buy the house.


  1. B
  2. A
  3. A