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Missing Flamingo Spotted in Texas

Missing Flamingo Spotted in Texas

News For Kids

2022/06/08 | 00:05:29 | SoundOn #education

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Hi students! Do you know what a flamingo is?
你們知道 Flamingo 是什麼嗎?Flamingo 就是紅鶴。

Flamingoes are cool birds. They are pink, and they have really long legs. They sound like this. That sounds like a goose or a duck. But those are flamingoes.

Today, I want to talk about one flamingo. This flamingo's name is Pink Floyd. About 17 years ago, Pink Floyd was living in a zoo in America. But Pink Floyd and another flamingo didn't want to stay in a zoo. So, they escaped.
17年以前,有一隻叫做 Pink Floyd 的紅鶴跟牠的夥伴逃出了動物園!

The zoo thinks Pink Floyd was about three years old when it escaped in 2005. So, today, that flamingo is about 20 years old.

Nobody knew where Pink Floyd went. But, recently, somebody saw it in Texas, which is a state in the US. Wow! They finally found Pink Floyd, 17 years after it escaped.
不過最近有人在美國德州發現了 Pink Floyd。

Does this mean Pink Floyd is going back to the zoo? No. The zoo says Pink Floyd can be free. They are not going to try to catch the bird. The zoo people think they might hurt Pink Floyd if they try to catch it.

Pink Floyd, I hope you have a happy life! Enjoy your freedom in Texas!


  1. free 自由的
    This flamingo has been free for a long time. 這隻紅鶴自由了好長一段時間!
    Yeah, and I'm happy that he will stay free. 對啊,我很高興牠會一直保持自由。

  2. sound like 聽起來像
    What does a duck's call sound like? 鴨子叫聽起來像什麼?
    It sounds like this, quack quack. 聽起來就像這樣,嘎嘎。

  3. about 大約
    I have about 300 NT dollars. 我有差不多三百塊。
    How much do you have? 你有多少錢?
    I have about 1,000. 大概一千塊。

  4. escape 逃離
    Why do animals want to escape from the zoo? 動物為什麼要從動物園逃走?
    Why not? 為什麼不呢?
    Who wants to live in a cage? 有誰想住在籠子裡?
    I know some do. 我知道有些動物會想。

Okay, these are fun words to learn.
free 自由的
sound like 聽起來像
about 大約
escape 逃離


  1. Where did Pink Floyd live 17 years ago?
    A: In a zoo
    B: In a park
    C: In someone's home

  2. What is true about a flamingo?
    A: It is a big duck
    B: It can only live a few years
    C: It has long legs

  3. What will happen to Pink Floyd?
    A: It will go back to a zoo
    B: It will be free
    C: It will escape from a zoo


  1. A
  2. C
  3. B